Thursday, March 26, 2015

Playing hooky today

Today I am totally playing hooky from French class and working on random stuff I just need to get done, and cannot seem to get done with Baby K around or in tow. So, she's with the babysitter and I am at Starbucks busily trying to tick things off my list.

Even though it doesn't sound like this said list is stuff I like to do, I have wanted to post for a while, and just haven't made the time. It always feels like there are a million other things I should be doing instead. Such is life. And for the record, the list also includes mundane things like pay bills, and fun things like travel planning for Istanbul, Spain and Portugal.

As usual, it feels like tons of stuff has been going on lately. I often have the conversation with BK that I'm not sure how we would function if I did have a job. When would things get done? I know circumstances would be different, but still, on days like today when I have to get away to do stuff, I seriously wonder.

So what's been going on lately? Well, Baby K turned ONE last Friday, my mom came for a visit and BK and I had our first Baby K- free weekend away. Fun stuff, right?

I kind of can't believe that Baby K is already one. People always say that the time really starts to fly and you'll wonder where it went. I don't necessarily do that, but a year went by really fast. It's crazy how much love I have for our little person. She is developing quite the personality, loves to be around other kids, and is working on wrapping Daddy tighter around that little finger of hers.

She had a fairly low key birthday, as we didn't have a party or anything, but we did celebrate together with her. We typically go to playgroup on Fridays, which means it will be a good day for Baby K, regardless, so I figured that was a good plan. We took some cupcakes and the other kids sang to her during snack time. We FaceTimed with cousins and grandparents, including Abbs and LJ, who got to have a cupcake "with" Baby K at 6:30 in the morning as she was having hers with lunch. After she went down for a nap BK and I left for our weekend getaway, which brings me to...

My mom and her friend TP have been visiting for the past 10 days. Baby K and I picked them up on the train and hit the ground running. We had a couple of slower paced days, but did quite a bit of sightseeing, including Gruyere, Fribourg, Lausanne, Montreux/Vevey, Nyon, and Yviore, France. I loved having my mom here, and I know she really enjoyed getting to spend time with us, but especially with Baby K.

She and TP kept Baby K over the weekend so BK and I could have a pre-10-year-anniversary getaway over the weekend. Our anniversary is not until June, but we'll have Baby K with us where ever we go, so we thought we would take my mom up on the getaway when she offered. We drove about three hours and went to the Burgundy wine region in France. As usual, good food and wine were a big part of the weekend, and we even slept until 9ish while we were gone!

Okay, that's about it for now. I have to run and get some other thing done; at the top of the list are pick up dry cleaning and buy some toy bins for Baby K's stuff. Exciting stuff, I know. Contrary to popular belief, it's not all jet-setting and gallivanting around over here. We do have to stop and get stuff done at some point!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and hope to catch up soon!