Thursday, August 28, 2014

Our biggest trip yet!

So we've been in Texas for nearly two weeks and I have barely scratched the surface on seeing people...hence the reason Baby K and I are staying for a month. I've run into a number of people who have remarked that they love reading the blog (thanks, by the way), but also that I haven't posted in a while.  I would say I've been busy, but that feels a little strange to say considering that everyone I'm visiting with has a job and kids, and Baby K and I are just making the rounds visiting and doing stuff.
Headed to Texas from Basel; yes, that's all of our luggage for one month (including BK's stuff)
A few things about our trip to Texas so far...

Baby K could not have been better on the flights here. We went London-Chicago-Dallas to get here. London to Chicago was great; Chicago to Dallas was a little shaky, but I couldn't really blame her when we'd already been on a plane for eight hours and it was bedtime in Switzerland. I would be cranky if I were her too.
Stowed under the seat- she just needed some wiggle room
We were all family, all the time while BK was here. BK and I saw one couple friend while he was here, and other than that time was spent with family. So, if you're a friend, and I haven't seen you yet, don't feel left out. I haven't seen anyone else either.
Meeting "her" Baby K for the first time
Exhausted after our first weekend
I took a little helper with me last Monday to do stuff with me and "her Baby K." We just ran errands around town, but I think Abbs enjoyed getting to spend some time with Baby long as she wasn't crying.
Feeding Baby K
We went to Horseshoe Bay to spend some time with BK's family this past weekend. BK played some golf, we celebrated some birthdays and an engagement, and Baby K had her first swim in Texas. As a side note, I forgot how ridiculously hot it is here in August. I've been enjoying highs around 75 degrees at home in Switzerland, so this heat is terrible. I just know Baby K is wondering where in the world we've brought her to that is so hot!
Enjoying a shady spot in the pool
Since BK has gone back to Switzerland, Baby K and I have been trying to catch our breath from ten days of constant running. She's transitioned well to the seven hour time change, and only woke up one time during the night for the first week. She back to normal and sleeping through the night now. Thank goodness- she's been sleeping through the night since she was eight weeks old, and even that one time was a little bit brutal.
Helping BK work before he left
We also briefly visited BK's home town in East Texas for a Sip-and-See for Baby K. We saw lots of friends who we hadn't seen in a long time, and who had never met Baby K. She did surprisingly well, considering that she's not all that used to being held and passed around by lots of new people. We've had lots of people visit in Switzerland, but not lots at one time; that's been something new here.
Being cute- she's really good at it!
I have realized a couple of things since I've been here, that I know are due to us living abroad. For example, I have no idea what to do with Baby K when I am shopping or going into a store of some sort. I am so not used to the whole idea of taking the car seat out of the car- it just seems so cumbersome. Unless I know that I'll be trying on clothes, I typically end up wrapping her on to me and heading inside. It just seems so much easier to me. It's also been reaffirmed that I hate umbrella strollers. 
How she feels about being lugged around in the car seat
Another thing, is that I thought only people in Switzerland looked at me like I was crazy with two dogs and a stroller. Apparently that's not just a Swiss thing. We got out today and walked my dad's two dogs, and people even commented that I was working hard and had my hands full. I guess I just think it's a waste to not walk with both baby and dogs. You know, that whole two birds, one stone thing.
Walking with Mags and Chum today
I'm sure we have lots more fun in store while we're here. And yes, I know I left some stuff out. At least Baby K has one thing that is still familiar- a weenie dog to keep her play mat warm, just like Tanner boy does at home.
Charlie keeping her play mat warm

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Some things I missed along the way

I think I started this post about ten days ago, hopefully I can get it done now! In this crazy busy spring and summer I missed a few things along the way...just wanted to take a minute and share.

When Baby K was born all the parents came to visit us- first my mom (Mawmaw), then my dad and stepmom (Pop Pop and Mimi) and then BK's parents (Nani and Papa).  Baby K was born a week ahead of time, but BK and I only had a few days out of the hospital at home without any parental support. After the first day at home, and her crying all day long, we were ready for the experts to come in!
Mawmaw and Kate at lunch by the Rhine
Pop Pop and Mimi
Papa and Nani
At the beginning of May we had a couple of weeks to learn how to be a family of three (without numerous additional hands to help), then TR came to Basel to coincide with BK's first trip back to the US after Baby K's arrival. I briefly posted about part of our trip, but never came back to finish it. I think I left off when we were in Paris sightseeing, and lugging the stroller up and down Metro steps. We came back to Basel after our trip, hung out some more, and went to the Vitra Design Museum before she left.
TR, Baby K and I at the Louvre
A happy TR after her purchases
Baby K and me swinging at Vitra Design Museum
After TR headed home, we had about three weeks before BK's mom and sisters came for a visit in mid-June. In that little break, BK, Baby K and I headed down to Lugano for a long weekend getaway.  We enjoyed an Italian atmosphere, meals out, hiking and Lake Lugano.
Above Lake Lugano
BK's mom and sisters came to visit in mid-June, with she and his youngest sister (LK too) coming first, then all of us overlapping in Paris, then his middle sister (KM) and her daughter (HG) for the end of the trip. We met BK's mom and LK in Monaco the weekend they flew in. We also happened to be there at the same time as our friends B&J, who were on their own trip. Did you get all that? Baby K also took her first flight on this trip...we're up to five now, for those of you who are counting.
Sound asleep for the first take off
During our weekend in the south of France we did Monaco, but also stopped in Eze to explore and stayed one night near Cannes.
Exploring the streets of Eze
From there we headed back to Basel briefly, then were off to Paris to meet KM and HG and be there together with all of the girls. The trip was great, lots of fun, but also had challenges of a train strike in France, cancelled trains and bad hotels. BK and I got HG a scooter for Paris so she could keep up with all the walking; she scooted all around, and I think really liked it. We saw the big sites, and LK, KM and HG were able to do a couple of things that Baby K and I skipped out on in hopes of keeping her somewhat on a schedule and making dinner out possible for all of us.
HG scooting around Paris
A perfect day at the Eiffel Tower
When we came back from Paris, they only had a couple of days left with us. One Sunday afternoon we decided to go enjoy some German food and explore an area of the Black Forest. It was a great meal and really nice to get out and soak up the nice weather.
BK, Baby K and HG walking in the Black Forest
In addition to all of the above we made a day trip to Montreux to look at houses for our upcoming move; we ended up choosing the first one we saw. Two weeks after BK's family returned home, Carkel and JW came to visit (you can read about that here) and then we were off to the UK and Ireland with J&A (read about those here and here). Baby K also hit some milestones...she now rolls over (then gets stuck and frustrated) and eats solids!
Enjoying some carrots the day of the move
Oh yeah, and since then...we moved! Last week we relocated to Montreux, with move out on Monday and move in on Tuesday. I've had a few reality checks about moving somewhere new, especially considering it's another new language, even though we're in the same country. Hopefully you'll hear more on this later.
Enjoying their new view: the French Alps and Lake Geneva
And last, but certainly not least, tomorrow we leave for London to then head to the US for the first time with Baby K. It's our first long-haul flight, and Baby K and I will be there for a month. we go again! I look forward to seeing many of you soon!