Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It seems that summer has arrived!

Playing in the fountain after dinner
My first indicator of the season? All the expat families are gone. I really think I may have been the only one at my French school today. Not the only one in my class (also true) but the only one period. The international school let out last Friday, and most seem to have gone back to where they came from (literally).

Baby K and I aren't too far behind them, as we leave for the US in just a few days. We're excited to go and can't wait to see everyone. Six months is a really long time to be away from everyone you love. And I know there are people who only see their families once a year or once every few years, but that's just not me. The questions I get here are: are you ready- Yes; are you packed- No. Am I ready for a 10-hour flight with a mobile Baby K? Not sure, but it's coming regardless.
Celebrating Father's Day
Another indicator that summer has finally arrived is the weather, of course, which has been beautiful. Finally we've had a period with little to no rain and lots of sunshine. Apparently there's also a heat wave coming to Switzerland later this week, with temps hovering in the low to mid-30s (think 90-95 F). This is nice until you remember that pretty much no one has air conditioning over here. Like I said, luckily we're headed for the States in a few days and will be enjoying climate controlled everything.
The playground's a whole new place when you can walk!
We've been trying to get out and really enjoy the weather. This weekend was a particularly active one, as we ran a little over three miles on Saturday morning, then rented bikes on Sunday morning. And yes, we're always doing something or going somewhere in our life over here. This weekend was good as well, because Baby K has started napping for around three hours in the afternoon on a pretty regular basis, and seeing as our weekend days start around 7, BK and I have no qualms about napping when she does on the weekend. It's awesome.
BK and Baby K ready to ride!
Our family bike ride was good, until we pushed it a little too far with Baby K. We rode about 12 miles along the lake, stopping on our way back to let her play at a playground. After that she was not interested in having anything to do with her helmet. And BK was not so keen on letting her cry on the back of his bike. We also didn't realize that she wasn't feeling 100 percent that morning, probably as a result of happily sharing her cup and eating off of everyone else's plates at playgroup on Friday.
A quick stop at the playground
She's such a trooper that sometimes we just don't realize. So the end of our ride was spent walking along the lakes with the bikes; sometimes Baby K was walking, and sometimes she rode in the seat. Tears were involved, but we all survived and made a nice recovery thanks to the nap.
Enjoying our terrace
The days are really long here, so around 9pm can still feel like the middle of the day (not to mention that it gets light around 4:30am). BK and I have been spending our evenings on the terrace enjoying the weather and the views, trying to take it all in. I'm not sure if we ever take it for granted, but one thing is for sure, it never gets old.

That's all for now. I haven't had a random post in a while, so I figured, why not? BK and I are off to stand-up-paddle-board tonight for our weekly Tuesday night date-night. Fun times on Lac Leman! Can't wait to see many of you soon!

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