Wednesday, July 29, 2015

International travel with the tot

Enjoying some in-flight entertainment
A number of people have asked me how traveling internationally with Baby K has been this time, especially now that she's mobile. Things were a bit different this time, considering that last time I did this journey by myself at Christmas she was just starting to crawl. Now she wants to walk, and would also prefer to talk to anyone who is not me.

Our trip from Switzerland started off a little rough; the flight from Geneva to London was not our best. Baby K didn't sleep all that well the night before, and because it was a 7am flight, I had to wake her around 5:30 so I could feed her a little breakfast, change her clothes, pack up and catch the shuttle to the airport.
Heading down to our early morning flight from Geneva
So, Geneva to London was not our best flight, as Baby K was restless and wanted to get down the entire flight. She was SO tired. Luckily we were sitting in the vicinity of a family who seemed to have about seven kids with them, ranging from teenagers to toddlers, so they all entertained her and helped keep her occupied. Regardless, a restless toddler can still make an hour-long flight feel much longer. I was relieved to get off the plane so she could move a little. After getting through customs at Heathrow, I called BK to let him know that if the rest of our journey went like this I would only be going back to the US twice per year, for two weeks, and only with him.

One great thing I've discovered about traveling in Europe is that virtually every airport has kids play areas. As in, enclosed, confined areas they can go in to and run around like wild banshees. Not that Baby K is quite to this stage yet, but it's still good to let her go in and roam around, play with other kids, and generally just get her energy out. BK always reminds me that we can go to the lounge during our layover; as good as that sounds, it just doesn't work with Baby K right now, as all I feel like we're doing is bothering all the business travelers and she's busy getting into everything that's not child-proofed. So, play area it is.

Thankfully, our flight from London to DFW went much smoother. Did I mention that Baby K was really tired? Yeah, she fell asleep before we even took off and slept for the first two hours of our eight hour flight. The flight from Europe to the US is always harder, as it's a daytime flight and they never turn the lights off, so Baby K just kind of has to wear herself out until she falls asleep.

While she slept, I was able to eat a bite and relax a bit. I think I may have even dozed some. Skip to the end- Baby K slept for the last two hours of our flight as well, as she felt like it was bedtime in Switzerland. So that still leaves four hours in between...
Some quiet toys on the plane
During her four hours awake on the plane I did various things to keep her occupied. I brought a number of small, portable toys to bring out at various times; she watched some Baby TV; and we walked the length of the plane a number of times (she charmed everyone with her cuteness). I think those are the big things. The flight attendants were extremely helpful as well, taking Baby K for a short time so that I could eat without her crashing my plate.

I think one of the huge things that you have to keep in mind, and be willing to do when traveling with a toddler, is move around with them and do the things they're used to doing. People may be wondering why we're pacing up and down the aisles, but it's a lot better than listening to a frustrated kid cry and squirm because their parent won't get up and let them move around a bit. If you want to/have to travel with a toddler, you can't go into it thinking you'll get to relax or just kind of hangout on the flight, your job is to help them make it through the flight. I figure I'll rest later when the grandparents can get up with Baby K and let me sleep a little bit later.
A very excited Abbs greeted us at the airport with PopPop
On the sleeping note, just like our trips before, as soon as we arrived in the US I forced Baby K to be on Texas time. As usual, my family all came over for dinner the night we arrived, and Baby K played with her cousins until it was time for bed at around 7:30pm. My jet lag has to kind of be ignored, but the first few nights I started to crumple into a little ball on the couch around 9pm.

To be honest, I was just hoping Baby K would sleep past midnight the first night in Texas, as her little body would be feeling like it was 7am in Switzerland, which is her normal waking time. I was pleasantly surprised when she slept until 3:30am and stayed awake until 4:30. I let her quietly play in our room, keeping the lights low and staying in bed myself. She would play around for a while, then after about 45 minutes or so she would start to get tired again. Until she got over jet lag I put her in bed with me so she didn't feel like I was forcing her to go back to sleep. Even though she was sound asleep at 7am, I typically got her up and we got going so she could make the switch to this time zone. Everything I've read says that one of the most important things to do when recovering from jet lag is to get out, be active and be in the sunshine, so that's typically what we do.

We arrived on Sunday evening, and I'm happy to report that she was sleeping normally (7:30pm to 7am) by that following Friday night. Maybe she's just a Daddy's girl. BK arrived on Saturday to a Baby K who was sleeping though the night, just like at home. No big deal, right?

Tomorrow we embark on our journey back to Switzerland. The flight back home is an overnight one, so I'm hoping that Baby K will feel like she's ready to go to bed and will sleep the majority of the time. Fingers crossed.

Think good thoughts for us. I'm excited to make it to Geneva where an eager BK will be waiting to pick up his girls!

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