Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mimi and PopPop en Suisse

Their first night in Switzerland
I've noticed that when people come to visit us, or when we make a trip to the US I stop posting. I'm guessing this is because I have someone new to share our lives with. I would say I would try to change it, but after three years it's not very likely.

Mimi and PopPop had their second visit to Switzerland at the end of last month. Things have changed a bit since their first visit to Basel right after Baby K was born. In fact, I told them that I really didn't have much recollection of their first visit at all. I guess it was the haze I was in after having Baby K and trying to get our feet on the ground?

Not sure, but we were very excited and happy to have them over this time around. They arrived on Saturday, and previously had let us know they wanted to hit the ground running on Sunday- get out and enjoy the mountains and scenery that surrounds Montreux, which is exactly what we did!
Small waterfall on our way up...and Tobs dashing across the bridge
I think BK and I may have taken it a little too far though, and we hiked up to Glion, just above (straight up from) Montreux. We hiked for a few hours, with Baby K riding on BK for most of the way and Tobs happy to be along for the outing as well. They were a little more jet lagged from the flight than they realized and the change in altitude was something as well. Afterwards we all came back, had a filling lunch and took a nap.
"Baby K walk" from her all the time now
Throughout the week Mimi, PopPop, Baby K and I explored a number of different sights in the area while BK worked. Although it's on our regular visitor circuit, we visited Gruyere and the Callier Chocolate factory, where we all consumed quite a bit of chocolate and cheese. If you're ever in the area, the chocolate factory is a great stop- I highly recommend. And yes, there is a tasting room at the end.
Before the tasting room...and chocolate in PopPop's hair
The next day Mimi, PopPop and I headed to Glacier 3000 while Baby K went to creche. I figured this was an activity best explored without her- although we're going back this weekend, and she's coming too. Glacier 3000 is a suspension bridge Tissot built between two peaks in a Glacier ski area 3000 meters (9800 ft) up. I've wanted to visit for a while, but for one reason or another we hadn't made it yet.
Tissot suspension bridge
It was great! It was pretty much cloudy and/or raining the entire time Mimi and PopPop were here, but once you get above the clouds the weather was amazing- cold, but amazing. You can see many of the mountain ranges and famous peaks in Switzerland from the bridge. We all really enjoyed it, and after going up to and across the bridge had lunch, then hiked around a little bit on the slopes. I liked it so much, we're going back again this weekend with friends visiting from Basel!
Mimi and PopPop on the bridge
Mimi and PopPop did have one overnight away in Leukerbad, a town known for their thermal baths not too far from Montreux. While they were gone we did some catching up and Baby K was fairly certain Mimi was "night-night" the entire time she was gone. When they returned, we explored Lausanne, visiting the cathedral and Olympic museum on a snowy Friday.
Lausanne cathedral
Saturday brought a funny/sad moment for us. BK, Baby K and I decided we would hang out at home in the morning while Mimi and PopPop got out and explored a bit. We suggested they take our car since it was (still) raining and cold, instead of navigating the bus and train system. They did, and all was good until PopPop pulled back into the garage and "rubbed the car wheel up against the stroller wheel." His words. When he backed the car out the stroller made a popping noise that needed to be investigated later.

Turns out, the stroller was done for after that. I think maybe it bent the frame and then it popped apart. It was mostly funny because I really like to give PopPop a hard time about things like this, but also sad, because I was a bit emotionally attached to the stroller. I have no idea how many miles that thing has been, but it's been a lot of places with us, and it's what we brought Baby K home in. It was kind of on it's last leg anyway, but this forced me to go ahead and give it up. Don't worry though, I've moved on and the new stroller I ordered was delivered this morning.

Sunday BK and PopPop headed to Geneva to check out the Geneva car show, which is something best experienced "without wife and child in stroller", according to BK, while Mimi, Baby K and I had an easy Sunday morning. Sunday night we took them to one of our regular places we like to eat, where Baby K discovered again that she really likes to "cheers" everyone.
"Cheers Daddy"
One other thing- Baby K also got her first haircut. I knew that Mimi wanted to be the one to cut her hair for the first time, but also knew that I couldn't wait until May to get it cut. So we cut it the Sunday they arrived. It was just a trim, as we didn't want to take any length off, but it is much more manageable now and not so mullety.
First time in Mimi's chair
Mimi and PopPop are back and recovered from their trip and we are back in the swing of things as well. We have a busy few months from now until our trip to the US in May. I'll do my best to keep you updated!

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