Sunday, July 8, 2012

One Dozen Black & Gold Frogs

Instead of two horned frogs abroad this time, it was actually more like 12 Theta frogs, and just a couple of states west.  We just spent four-ish days in sunny Tucson, Arizona at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa for the 70th annual Grand Convention of Kappa Alpha Theta.

I always admire others who work in the social service arena (like me) and who still have the desire to volunteer and give back to other causes around people in need.  Unlike them, I just don't have that desire...I try to save that giving of time and effort for my marriage, family, friends, running and travel, just to name a few.

Theta is the one volunteer thing that I have and I love giving back to.  Grand Convention was a really fun and interesting experience.  It's pretty rare that anyone spends 4 days with 700 women.  Outside of the actual business that we needed to do, we had lots of fun together.  I enjoyed getting to know my fellow advisors better, as well as the current members of the chapter.  I think BK was surprised at how much of a vacation this turned out to be, but there's a lot of value in laying poolside or floating in the lazy river getting to know one another better!  Don't underestimate it!

Since I don't want to bore you with the business side of things, here are some other highlights.  KC, my roommate, felt that she was quite the practical joker.  Her best one was when she put a maxi pad on the wall next to the toilet to get a reaction out of me.  I think she wanted a scream or something from me, but that's not really me.  You should read her blog to really get a sense.  I feel kind of bad because I didn't realize what a light sleeper she was until about the last morning we were together.

Another advisor, KM, became famous for her version of the Soulja Boy done on the dance floor at western night.  Unfortunately I missed it, but there's a video floating around out there somewhere.  KC and I got lost on our morning hike the first morning we were there, but were thankful that KM kept track of us the whole time, so we knew she would send out a search party if we weren't at the first business session with her (mostly because she would be pissed that she was missing something).

Lastly, I feel quite certain that we convinced the college girls not to get married.  Nights on the patio bar usually turned into us telling stories about being married and about the weird, funny and irritating things that happen after you're married for a while- traveling, working together, raising kids, and many other adventures that everyone goes through.

For my first "girls trip" this was a pretty good one!  The only negative?  BK flew out to his second home in Switzerland about three hours after I got home from my trip....but don't worry we had time to squeeze in a trip to Joe T's before he left!

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