Monday, August 13, 2012

Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!

Oh wait...then I remembered that we're in our 30s!  No offense to anyone in their 30s (or beyond) who still likes to take shots and party, but we've kind of left those times behind.  We're still up for a good time, but it usually involves a few glasses of wine, vodka or Jack.  But have no fear!  BK and I are fully prepared to provide 50ish people with shots at any given time, thanks to his collection of shot glasses.

So, I haven't written in a while, but this is about the things we collect on our travels.  People collect different things when traveling...t-shirts, Christmas ornaments, magnets, whatever floats your boat; BK happens to collect shot glasses.  And let me just mention, not only does BK collect them, but others (usually our parents and siblings) generously help add to his collection as well.

Where can one have a drink from, you ask?  Just to name a few...Costa Rica, the Kentucky Derby, Paris, the Broadmoor, London, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico.  You can even pretend that you were at a frat party at TCU back in the early 2000s!

My most vivid memory about the shot glass display is not from when someone was actually having a drink, or doing something as a result of a lot of drinks, but from when we moved into our house and I was reluctantly unpacking all those shot glasses to be displayed.  Seeing as I was a "grown up" now,  I felt that this was BK's way of holding on to a little bit of the frat boy in himself, wanting to display all of these shot glasses in our new house.

I initially put them on two of the three middle shelves, only to find a pouty BK sulking about my arrangement.  He actually said to me, "You should just pack those up if you're going to try and cram them in like that!  You can't event see where they're from!"  Ummm...I personally felt that they deserved as little space as possible.  He was lucky that he got the two shelves that I gave him!  I felt that pictures and important things should occupy that space- not shot glasses.  Reluctantly I spread the shot glasses out across the middle of the shelves to be displayed, so that everyone could see them in all their glory.

Much to my surprise those shot glasses have actually grown on me over the past seven years, and visitors seem to like them too.  I'm not sure how they'll fare when we move abroad and have to downsize, but I feel certain that at least a few of the favorites will come with us and be proudly displayed for all to see.

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