Monday, January 28, 2013

Packing and Purging...Let the Fun Begin!

So now we're officially on the journey to go abroad in a couple of months.  Even though I feel like April is a long time away, I feel certain it will be here in no time.  Not to mention that BK's travel schedule is CRAZY- Switzerland (of course) Bangkok, Miami, a couple of leadership conferences- all before the middle of March.  I like to give him a hard time about how I'm pretty much going to get us ready for this move by myself while he's globe trotting around the world.

Even though it seems really early, packing and purging has begun in our house.  Right now I'm more in about getting rid of excess things that we have and won't need overseas.  Some things are staying with our house since our good friend KR will be living here while we're gone and has agreed that things like my china, our bedroom furniture and BK's wine fridge can stay with her.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that I "pride" myself on not keeping a lot of random stuff, but it's pretty close.  My theory is typically that if I'm going to throw it away in five years, I might as well throw it away now.  I don't need a lot of stuff cluttering up my life.  I deal well with chaos in life much better if my house and life are in order.  Hence, no clutter.

As I say all of this, for two people who don't keep a lot of stuff, there is a lot of stuff to get rid of!  It started with the coat closet.  BK and I bought new ski clothes this weekend and before I stuffed them in the closet with the other coats I decided I had to see what else was in there.  I would say we got rid of about 10 coats and jackets- just ones that we never wear and don't want to take.  I also found that if it is stored in another room (outside of seasonal clothing being rotated out) we don't need it and never, ever wear it.

I've discovered my next quandary is what to do with the various piles of clothing and items that are now in my life.  There is the donate pile, which will obviously go away, but will have to be done through numerous trips, as I can't deal with piles around the house.  The one that tripped me up is that the clothing we want to keep- some of it will be shipped to Switzerland, but the other stuff we will need to pack and take with us on the airplane.  I really don't want to put it back in the closets or furniture that I just cleaned out, but I also can't deal with the mess.  If you visit us over the next couple of months, don't judge- it's only because we're in a transition period!

To all you pack rats out there- I sincerely hope you never have to move.  If you do plan on moving, I would give yourself at least six months to go through all that stuff!

Normally I post at least one picture with each blog, but as I don't like when our house is a mess, no picture on this one.

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