Friday, January 11, 2013

The Move is Officially On!

So I initially started this blog so that when we moved overseas we could keep our family and friends updated on what was happening in our life while we were across the globe. I'm happy to report that the time has finally come!  

Basel is northwest of Zurich on the northern border
BK and I will be booking a one-way ticket to Basel, Switzerland to arrive sometime in mid-March to April to stay for good.  We are headed over for BK's job, and yes, our furry friends will be accompanying us on this journey.  I'm not quite sure what I'll do while we're over there...learn German and figure out how to function in a new country to start.  Then I have some other things I'd like to do including get involved with the International Federation of Social Workers, possibly get my PhD, and work in social welfare there if possible.  Of course, there's A LOT of travel in our future as well.

Your mind may be flooded with questions about what happens next, as most people's are.  We have a little more than three months to go and lots to do.  But have no fear, as usual lists abound at our house, so we're on our way to being ready. 

We can't wait for our journey to start, but know we have a long way to go before we actually get on that plane.  Lots more to come about how we'll get there and the new experiences we'll have!

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