Saturday, April 6, 2013

Getting a Little Bit Settled

It's been longer than I anticipated between posts.  I initially thought: I'll be experiencing new things every day and will post stuff.  It's true, I have experienced new things each day, but learning to live here and figuring out my work schedule seems to have consumed all of my time.

I often find myself wondering where the day went.  I've discovered there's really no more of the I'll just run down to here or there to grab something.  Running somewhere typically means I either have to walk five to eight minutes to a tram station, then go somewhere else in the city center OR just walk to where I want to go, which is generally 15 to 20 minutes at the least.  I have chosen to walk places- it just depends on how much time I have and what I have to carry back with me.

We moved into our furnished apartment on Tuesday (Monday was a holiday here) AND the dogs arrived to the apartment about thirty minutes after we got here.  More about that transition later.  BK had the quarter close this week, so he's been very busy this first week as well.  We're getting a little bit settled, and it's really nice to not be living in a hotel room.  As much as I love BK, we really function better in more than just one room, with only enough space for one of us to work at the desk.

Apartment hunting happens on Wednesday, and lots of people have asked if we're doing House Hunters International.  We're not doing it, but I hope to post some videos of the ones we see so you can check it out too.  To get started, here's a little tour of our current apartment. Please excuse the sniffles (I seem to be stuffy in the morning) and snapping in the middle (trying to corral the dogs into the apartment)- I'll work on my video skills this week!

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