Thursday, October 3, 2013

As long as he keeps me fed

This is the story of my life right now. I often get the question about how I have been feeling, and honestly I have felt pretty good the entire time so far. The two exceptions have been a little bit of heartburn (something I have never experienced before now) and the feeling I get when I start to get hungry. I also have a couple of food aversions that just happen to be things BK loves to eat. Not sure how that happened.

For those of you who don't know, or may not have ever realized it, I like to eat. And more than that, I would say I'm a pretty scheduled eater too. I'm not alone in this, as you should steer clear of BK if he gets hungry, but I am probably the leader/reinforcer of it in our house. Even before the lentil came along I needed to eat breakfast really no more than about 30 minutes after I woke up. I give the credit to/blame my mom for this, who always made us eat breakfast and drink a glass of milk before we could leave for school. 

Now that I'm trying to nourish a second person in there, my eating/hunger thing is totally magnified. I eat probably six to seven meals a day and seem to front-load my food in the early part of the day. I'm not to the point where I'm "eating for two" but I do eat quite frequently. Don't worry- I had only gained half a pound at our 12 week appointment.

The trouble happens if I get to the point where I feel really hungry. Of course, being the one who is around all the time, BK has been the unfortunate bystander a number of times. If I actually get hungry, things go downhill really quickly. As in, I get to the point where I feel like I'm about to unravel. For example, we'll be at a restaurant and the wait may be a little longer than anticipated or something like that. BK used to think that we could just continue talking and having this great conversation about whatever, but not so much anymore. At some point I had to just tell him that I pretty much couldn't function and that we would need to continue our conversation after I got some bread or something.

I try not to be high maintenance, and now I think I have gotten BK into the routine. He no longer gives me a hard time about having a snack (a piece of fruit, some crackers) right before going to dinner and also understands that anytime we travel anywhere our first stop is generally a convenience or grocery store to have some "just in case" food on hand. I have no problem packing food in my bag wherever we are going, as things are much more pleasant when I don't even have the chance to get hungry.

I titled this post what I did because BK's typical response to people when they ask him how I am feeling is, "As long as I keep her fed, she's good." He usually also goes further to say that I need around 32 meals a day, but he says that's for effect- he wants people to know just how serious this issue is. I'm glad he has a clear understanding.

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