Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What's happening these days

I'm ashamed to say it's been nearly a month since I last blogged, and after a couple of notes from people saying that they missed hearing the updates, I thought it was about time I get back on it. I'm not sure what happened to my whole "blog every day" thing, maybe I just need to find a balance between every day and letting a month go by between posts. It's a lengthy one, so make sure you have a minute.

The boys and I just got back from our morning walk, and I pretty much spent the entire time talking to myself (in my head) about what to post about, thinking...what is it that BK and I have been up to lately? Lots actually, which makes sense, considering that it's been nearly a month. Here's a brief recap, with more to come on some of the bigger things that have happened. On a related note, I find that when I'm in Texas, or with people visiting, I tend to not blog. It's like I think to myself, I'm with the people I actually started this thing for, so they know what I'm up to. I'll try to work on that one.

We had just returned from Greece when I last blogged. BK and I were home for a week, then headed to Texas for a short visit. Most people knew that we were coming, but the purpose of the trip was to surprise my dad for his 60th birthday. I felt kind of bad leading up to his birthday because he kept saying that it wasn't really going to be that big of a deal, and so on, which was a little depressing considering that it was his 60th. Little he know, we would be showing up unannounced at his house to surprise him on his birthday. But that's not all, my sisters and I somehow pulled off a surprise party for him that Friday as well.

The trip to Texas was a short one, but when I flew back to Basel, my mom and her best friend came to visit and flew back with me. It was a really good trip, but relatively short for them as well (about a week). We didn't travel throughout Europe or anything, but it was really fun for me to get to show them my daily life, sights around Basel, picking the boys up from the boarder, a couple of places in Switzerland and some other stuff. It was relaxing for me, and I hope for them too.

My mom is coming over for a couple of weeks when the Lentil gets here in March, and I'm glad I got to show her around some so she at least has an idea of where she's coming to. We did also go shopping for some baby stuff, which was a little weird, but it helped me finish my registry and get moving with some ideas for stuff. More on their trip a little later. Another thing, Tanner loves my mom, so BK and I pretty much got kicked to the curb the whole time she was here.

Oh yeah, the other big thing...the Lentil! We're still just rolling along, doing well. I'll be 19 weeks along tomorrow. We are still calling it the Lentil, but only because we don't know the gender of the baby yet. We had a doctor's appointment a couple of weeks ago when we could have found out the gender, but the baby was curled in toward me, with it's spine toward my belly, so no luck on finding out. We go back to the doctor again right before we come back for Thanksgiving, including going to a different doctor for an organ scan, so we should be able to find out then.

Things are going well with the Lentil otherwise as well. I've found that I no longer have the overwhelming desire to take a nap around four in the afternoon anymore, and think it's been nearly two weeks since I took a nap. I haven't felt the baby move yet, but then again, I don't have any idea what I'm trying to feel. Maybe in the next couple of weeks? I've also found that my hunger is not so bad anymore...meaning that when I get hungry I can actually survive a little longer without wanting to rip someone's head off. In the past week or so I've also become unable to button my normal pants, so that was new too. I'm still wearing them, just with a Be Band to hold them up.

What's next on the horizon? I've returned to working on German a couple of hours a day, so hopefully I will see some improvement soon. BK and I have a couple of trips that we want to do before I can no longer travel long distances (after we return from our Christmas trip to the US), and are working on planning a trip to Rome in November and Lisbon in December. And yes, I know, this baby will have been to more countries prior to being born than most people have in a lifetime. Who would have thought?

I think that's all for now. After I finish German this morning I'll spend some time catching up on other posts, which I'm sure you're hanging on the edge of your seat for! I'll be back with more, sooner than later :)

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