Monday, March 3, 2014

Pinterest success!

Ah, Pintrest…why must you show me so many good recipes, all of which I want to try?

Tonight I really went out of the box and fixed two new things for BK, which is a serious risk. He tends to like me to stick to the recipes he knows that he likes. We even talked on Sunday, also after cooking something new, and made a list of the "go-tos." I think BK may be a little more open to what I want to eat or try right now…for obvious reasons. Sometimes this is met with success, and others, not so much.

Tonight turned out really well and good good reviews as well. I made Balsamic Glazed Steak Rolls, Parmesan roasted potatoes and sautéed spinach. Sounds good, right? It was, and wasn't too much trouble to make, as I was essentially able to use the same pan for everything.

Unfortunately, I got all wrapped up in cooking and trying to time the completion around BK's arrival home from work, and totally forgot to take pictures of my creations. The photo above is from the website where I got the recipe, but mine looked pretty much just like this. The veggies are really good as well, and I made enough so that I have some for the rest of the week. My only downfall on these was that I don't have any toothpicks, so keeping the rolls together was a little difficult.

The potatoes were new as well, but not hard to do. I can't seem to find the exact link that I used for the recipe, which is annoying. All of the recipes I keep finding for them require more work than I did. You just boil potatoes for about five minutes, drain them, then sauté in olive oil with garlic, adding parmesan at the end. Sauté them until they are crispy on the outside. I stuck mine in the oven as well, but mostly just to keep them warm while I finished cooking everything else.
Sautéed spinach was the other part of our meal, but it makes a regular appearance in our house, so nothing exciting there. If you haven't tried to make it before, you should. It's really easy…olive oil and garlic in the skillet, then just add a bunch of spinach and sauté down until you have the consistency you like; add salt and pepper to taste.

So, all in all, a relatively easy and healthy meal tonight. I may put this one on the list to make again, as it went over quite well. I think it may be a good one to make while the parents are here, as they could do it and we can easily get all the ingredients here as well.

I need to fill you in on our Planning for Parenthood classes and other random stuff we've been up to, but more on that later. Until then!

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