Thursday, April 24, 2014

I should be napping...

Although, I am eating lunch as I write this, so that's something that I need to do as well. Eating and sleeping rank pretty close together on the priority list when thinking about what to do with my "free" time. But I've missed blogging, so here I am!

Wow! So it's been over a month since I blogged last, but I think I get a pass. If you're reading this I'm assuming you're at least familiar with BK and me, so you know that the biggest thing yet in our lives happened…Baby K arrived! She graced us with her presence on Thursday, March 20 around 11 in the morning. She was a week early; thankfully she didn't come late like everyone kept guessing. All I could think when people said she would come late was, "Why do you want me to have to be pregnant longer than necessary." I guessed (and hoped) early.
Baby K's first picture
First family picture
Where to even start? I've often thought about various things to blog about, usually while washing what feels like the 20th bottle of the day. So here it goes, some highlights of our first month as a family of three:

  • I've read that having a baby is like throwing a hand grenade into a marriage. It hasn't been that extreme for us, but I could see how it could happen. We're navigating our way through this parenthood thing and figuring out how it works for us.
  • Baby K is a pretty easy baby, with the exception of when she's hungry. Let's just say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
  • The boys have adjusted surprisingly well, and Baby K to them as well. They don't bark when she cries and she doesn't cry when they bark. The boys pretty much just follow us around and stick close when she's awake. We haven't made it back to three walks a day, but can usually manage to get at least two in.
  • Thankfully, all of the parents have been cycling through since Baby K has been born; my mom was here first, then my dad and stepmom, and now BK's parents. It's nice to have them here regardless, but also to have the people with us who have 35(ish) years of experience.
  • I know people say to ignore what needs to be done around the house and rest when she rests, but sometimes I/we just can't. BK and I don't function very well in a chaotic house, so at some point stuff has to be cleaned up…we're much happier this way.
  • I know we've had a bad day if I haven't had a shower. When the first one happened and BK asked how my day was, I said, "If it tells you anything, I haven't had a shower and I can't remember if I have brushed my teeth." Not good. And yes, I know these days will happen.
  • I've figured out that while pushing the stroller or having Baby K tied on to me, in Switzerland I can do no wrong.
  • We do have Baby K on a schedule. I tried to just go with the flow and do what she needed whenever, but I just can't. I need structure (surprise, surprise) and with the schedule I can anticipate eating, sleeping, etc. I've learned to schedule the other things that I need to do throughout the day during nap times.
Ok, now it's a couple of hours later, and I do need to get in a quick nap before she wakes up again. I'll leave you with some of my favorite pictures from this month. I hope to be back soon on a regular basis!
Leaving the hospital…yes we walked there and home
Happy after eating
Fighting sleep in the evening 
Protector pups
Multitasking: baby, dog, FaceTime and champagne
Here comes Dad!
One month old!
P.S.- If you find typos or something doesn't make sense, I blame the baby brain.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are awesome! Carly and I miss seeing you guys and can't wait to meet your little princess!
