Thursday, May 1, 2014

We did it!

We had a lot of firsts with Baby K last weekend, specifically we took our first overnight trip with her…and it was a success! I won't say that we didn't have any fussiness, but all the action was a lot to handle, so who can blame her? She did really well overall and we will definitely be doing it again!
On the train to Lausanne
BK and I set off to meet his parents in Lausanne on Saturday morning. They came to Basel first for a few days, then went to Italy for some sightseeing and at the end of their trip headed north back to Switzerland to meet us in Lausanne. Baby K did really well on the train. BK and I chose a train time that coincided with her morning nap, and she pretty much slept the whole time, which was great!

When we got to Lausanne (about 2.5 hours by train from Basel) BK and I headed straight to the hotel to feed Baby K lunch and get her settled. After we were done with business, the three of us headed out to explore the city. Lausanne is a really nice city- it is situated on the north side of Lake Geneva, with the lake at the bottom and the city stretching up the hills above it. You will absolutely get your workout walking up and down the hills here. There are lots of shops, cafes and restaurants in the city center, and the streets are very pedestrian friendly. BK and I enjoyed lunch outside at a cafe, then headed down to the train station to meet his parents.
Park by the lake
When they arrived, the four of us decided to head down by the lake. The Lausanne marathon also happened to be going on, but didn't make getting around impossible. Baby K hung out in her stroller, sleeping off and on until her next meal time. We stopped at a lakeside cafe for happy hour and Baby K's evening meal, then headed up to the Olympic Headquarters and Museum. The museum was closed for the day, but you can walk around the grounds, which has lots of sculptures and Olympic art.
Olympic flame
Our next step may have been overdoing it just a bit. There is really nice hotel lakeside, Hotel Beau-Rivage Palace, and we wanted to see what all the fuss was about. After the museum we stopped at the hotel to enjoy their outdoor patio and gardens. Unfortunately this was during Baby K's fussy time of the day, so it didn't go so well after the stroller stopped moving. 

BK and I took turns walking her around, trying to console her, which wasn't working. The low point was when BK walked her around and decided that he should try to re-swaddle her. So there he is, with her laying in the grass beside the hotel trying to do this. He describes it as her, laying in the cold grass, with big crocodile tears running down her face, the roomba lawn mower-thing headed their direction, and she's mad because she likes to fight hard against sleep during this time. A funny picture to all of us, not so good for dad and daughter. Live and learn, right?
Roomba lawn mower on the loose
We regrouped back at the hotel, trying to make her bath time and bed time routine as close to normal as possible in our hotel room. I think it worked too! The three of us did our usual nighttime routine and Baby K drifted off into a deep sleep. We did so well that the five of us were able to go out to dinner at a little Italian place around the corner from our hotel, with Baby K sleeping the whole time!

Sunday was relatively short in Lausanne. We got a bit of a late start (Baby K slept from 9pm to 5:30am, then from 6am to 9am!) and headed to the cathedral first. The cathedral is one of Switzerland's oldest and largest Gothic buildings. 
Lausanne cathedral
We spent the rest of our time in Lausanne on a lake cruise around Lake Geneva. We started at Ouchy Port in Lausanne, making stops along the way to Vevey, where we got off for lunch. Very little was open due to it being a Sunday, but we found a great little restaurant inside a hotel that was traditional Swiss and had some of the local specialties.
Lake cruise together
We caught a train back to Lausanne from Vevey and got ready to head back to Basel. BK's mom and I stayed near the train station, while he and his dad hiked back up to the hotel for our luggage. We caught a train back to Basel in the afternoon and made it home in time for dinner. Upon arrival in Basel, BK's parents were so into their Sudoku they didn't realize we were in Basel. Luckily, BK got back on the train and let them know that we had arrived at our stop!
Baby K contently riding the train
Overall, I think the trip was a good one, and it was really nice to have help on our first trip away from home. Baby K's next trip will be a big one: Paris for three days when my sister comes to visit in a few weeks. I'm sure I'll have a lot to say about that one!

Duty calls…it's almost bath time. Hopefully I'll be back soon!

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