Sunday, May 18, 2014

My return to running?

My route along the river
Today is a beautiful day in Basel- 75 degrees and sunny! Such a nice change from the cold and rainy weather we've had for the past few days. I decided to make the most of the day and weather to run for the first time in over a year. It was great!

I forgot just how much I like to run. I ran my first 10K when I was in second grade, joining my school's team to run the Cowtown 10K. After that, I ran the Cowtown for many years, along with numerous other races, eventually joining the cross country and track teams in high school. I occasionally fit in a run in my busy social schedule in college and have continued to run into adulthood. I even worked my way up to a couple of half marathons with friends from work.

But I really haven't run at all since we've been in Basel. The whole learning to live in a new place and figuring our life out over here kind of took priority when we first arrived. Then, I started walking with the pups for about three hours a day, in addition to other errands I needed to do, so going on a run wasn't really on my priority list. With being pregnant and now having Baby K, running still hasn't been high on the list.

This morning all that changed and somehow I managed to get out of the house by myself and go on a run. BK just returned home from the US and was sleeping late, Baby K was taking a morning nap, and my sister was just hanging out relaxing. It was the opportunity I needed to not feel guilty about leaving the house with no baby and no dogs to just do something for myself.

I only ran for 20 minutes, but I figure I have to start somewhere. 20 minutes was my goal, and I met it. I was half expecting for it to be painful and was pleasantly surprised when I just picked it right back up and started running. I ran the route I've walked thousands of times up and down the river, but it was new territory today while I was running. I loved it.
Hopefully these will be making a repeat appearance soon!
I've never been the fastest runner, and am very satisfied with my 10-minute mile. I don't care to improve my 2:10 half marathon time; I figure I'm doing way better than most who have never run that far and actually enjoy the race at that pace. For some reason, I just like to run. My mind wanders as I listen to random music that fits my mood that day. Today it was a few new songs from O.A.R. on repeat.

My mind immediately went to, "how will I manage running on a regular basis." Will I have the willpower to get up at 6am a few times a week, before Baby K wakes at 7? Everything I've read says you shouldn't run with an infant until they are six months old, so I'm not sure that's an option just yet.

I'm sure BK and I will figure something out so the two of us can fit our workouts in. Not sure that I'll make it for the Basel half marathon in September, but hopefully this run will be the first of many more in the near future!

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