Thursday, June 5, 2014

Maybe I should add posting to my 'To Do' list

Oh blog, how I wish I could get to you once a day; even once a week would be nice, but it's just not in the cards right now. When I do have a chance to sit down and put some thoughts down, it's always a toss up as to what I want to share since it's pretty likely that a lot has happened since I posted last. Hopefully I'll catch up one day...and if not, life goes on and I'll share what's happening then.
What I've been up to = Baby K
So what have we been up to lately? Lots, actually...or maybe it just feels like a lot? In the past couple of weeks the big ones have been TR coming to visit; TR, Baby K and I going to Paris; and then BK, Baby K and I heading south to Lugano.
Baby K relaxed after BK returned from his first trip back to the US
I think I say, maybe it just feels like a lot because that was only a list of three things, although pretty big events. But it seems that my to-do list goes on forever, and much to my chagrin I can never cross everything off. Typically I get the majority of one list done, then transfer the remaining items to a new list because I need more room or am tired of keeping up with that crumpled piece of paper. And just as a disclaimer, I am totally a person who puts things on my list for the sole purpose of crossing them off; I need credit for them or something. Go figure.
TR and Baby K out in Basel
TR's visit was really good. She came to visit while BK was in the US. We hung out in Basel for a few days, headed to Paris for a few days, then came back here again. We got out and about in Basel, even exploring a few places I had never been. Obviously meeting Baby K for the first time was the highlight of her trip, but our trip to Paris is probably second on her list of favorites. I was really glad to have her there for the experience, as it was Baby K's first multi-night trip away from home, and TR was along for the ride. We had a couple of times when things broke down a little, but we just regrouped and kept going. More on that visit and trip later.
Hiking around Lake Lugano
Just a couple of days after TR went home, BK, Baby K and I headed down to the southern part of Switzerland, near Italy. Since having done one trip with Baby K already, I had some things I knew I would do differently from Paris, but overall she's pretty easy to travel with. When you're in Lugano it's kind of weird because you know you're in Switzerland, but you feel like you're in Italy. It was a good little getaway for the long weekend. Hopefully you'll see more on that one later too. Fingers crossed.
Tanner feels like he belongs here
That's all I have for now. I think there are at least four-ish bottles and two pumps waiting to be washed, along with two dogs who want to go out at some point before bed, and I'm sure plenty of other things I can find that need to be done before bed. My wake up call comes at the same time every day though, so we'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll be back here soon!

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