Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We're busy living life!

SO. FAR. BEHIND. Hmmm...will I ever finish a series of posts when a trip or event takes more than one post. I'm really not sure at this point. I'm also sure that you're all tired of me constantly talking about how far behind I am with posting on the blog. BK, Baby K and I are out living life, so I guess I'll just have to do what I can.
Being on the go wears her out too
Ok, enough about that. So much continues to happen in our lives- it seems (and feels) crazy sometimes. I just told BK the other day that right now it kind of feels like he and I are trying to prove to people that we can still jet around and travel like we used to before Baby K came along. Point made, yes we can do it. And honestly, it feels like we're doing more than we were before.
An evening at home and some family time on the play mat
I think I left off when TR, Baby K and I were in Paris. Where does the time go? I think I may have also mentioned that we did our first long weekend away as a family to Lugano- also successful. We seem to be toting Baby K around anywhere and everywhere possible. She either rolls along in the stroller or is strapped to one of us, always along for the ride.
Trekking around in Lugano
We went though a really hot spell in Basel the first week of June, which was pretty miserable. How quickly I let myself forget what it was like to have 95 degree temps outside with no AC! And I totally hadn't thought about how in the world I was going to keep Baby K cool during the summer. We did venture out to one of the public pools here in Basel with a friend, so that was a new experience. The water was really cold- Baby K screamed when I put her feet in- so we just splashed around a little bit. Also, apparently they don't sell tops or full swimsuits in Baby K's size- these bottoms were all I could come up with.
Ready for some sun!
Most recently BK's mom, sisters and niece have been visiting for the past two weeks. We made the most of the time and did A LOT. Their trip included Monaco, Nice, Eze, Basel, Luzern (we skipped this one), Paris, Black Forest and Basel again.  Whew! The trip also included delayed flights, missed connections, cancelled trains, bad hotel rooms and many other adventures in just getting around Europe. Baby K also had her first plane and car rides as well. Yes, she rode in a car for the first time at 12 weeks.
Our first flight- she had a baby seatbelt too
I figure I might as well end this blog like the others, with the hope that I'll return soon to tell you more about our trip to Lugano and all the adventures we had while family was visiting. We had tons of fun together. I am very thankful that they all got to come over, meet Baby K, experience a bit of our life, and see some new places together.
Visiting the Eiffel Tower- one of the many highlights
I have a few days of downtime before it's time to get out and go again. We'll see what happens!

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