Sunday, May 11, 2014

My first Mother's Day

As I was perusing the usual social media outlets this week I noticed that many articles/reflections on moms and mother's day. Since this is my first Mother's Day as a mom I thought maybe I should take a stab at it as well.
Me and mom in Italy last year
One of the most significant things that I've reflected on and wondered about since becoming Baby K's mom is how my parents feel about me. When I look at her, I wonder to myself, so this is how my parents feel about me? And I also wonder, do they still see the tiny person they brought home, the child running around the house, the teenager who thought they had no clue what they were talking about, when they now see me as a 33 year old? I also think how strange it must be to see their daughters with children of their own now as well.
Baby K and my mom enjoying lunch outside
As a child, I don't think you can truly grasp the depth of the love your parents have for you until you have children of your own. It's like until then, of course you know they love you, they're your parents, that's what they're supposed to do. They're just kind of there, helping guide you through life, impacting how you make decisions and molding you into who you will become, whether you acknowledge it or not. But when you have your own children you suddenly realize how deep their love reaches because you feel it for the first time on the other side of things.

Do people have an ah ha moment when they say, THIS is the one moment when I realized how much my mom did for me! I'm really not sure to be honest. Maybe when you become a mom? When you become an adult and realize that there's actually a lot of adult stuff that happens in life that she shielded you from as a child?

All I know is that my childhood was full of love, laughter and lots of experiences together with my mom. She let me do lots of stuff that she did, like ironing cabbage patch doll clothes (she had real people clothes to do) and baking lots of treats with her. I loved to snuggle up with her and "share" anything she had to eat or drink, which may or may not still be a habit I have. She helped shape me into a loving and empathetic person who is determined to make an impact on this world.

Like most other children, I definitely have not told my mom how much I appreciate everything she did and does for me…even that statement doesn't do it and can't encompass the gratitude and love I have for her. I truly don't know how she did it.

So, Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you and will never be able to thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I can only hope the way I live my life and mother I become is a small way I can show my thanks.

And Happy Mother's Day to all the other moms out there as well! Whether you're just starting your journey, have a few years of experience, are putting up with teenagers, or are now experiencing the joy of being a grandmother, I hope your day is filled with as much love and happiness as mine was!
Baby K wishing me a Happy Mother's Day

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