Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A big year coming to an end

So 2014 is coming to an end, and what a year it's been! As BK and I sit here enjoying Baby K's nap time, and eagerly await cheering on the Frogs in the Peach Bowl, I figured I might as well try and squeeze one more post in. It will be quick, as I have at most 20 minutes before she wakes up.

So what have we been up to lately? Baby K and I have been in the US for almost three weeks now, and BK has been here for almost two. Sadly, this also means his time here is almost up and it's time for him to go back to Switzerland to work while Baby K and I enjoy one more week. Before we left Switzerland in December we did get one last weekend away in Davos. We didn't do much, just enjoyed the mountains and outdoors. The snow wasn't quite good enough to ski just yet.

The flight over with Baby K was good, fairly uneventful, which is always a positive thing when flying with a baby. It took her a couple of days to get used to the sheer number of people who were here and wanted to spend time with her. I always forget that she's really used to it being just me, her and BK at home in Switzerland, and underestimate how overwhelming seeing tons of new people is for her. It took her two days to warm up to my dad...needless to say, PopPop's feelings were a little hurt.

Since then, it's been a whirlwind; seeing people, getting ready for the holidays, and going from event to event together. Here are some of the highlights so far.

Nani came to visit our first weekend in town:

We got back to our "normal" routine of walking the dogs in the mornings:

We met Aunt K for dinner when she was in town:

Baby K has had lots of cousin time:

I've had lots of fun dressing Baby K in numerous holiday outifts:

BK and I had a date night and Baby K spent the night away from us for the first time! Aunt C, Abbs and LJ took great care of her. I think they all had a geat time too. Not to worry- I survived as well.

For the past week we've been in East Texas and Arkansas visitng BK's family. BK got me a new camera for Christmas, so since then I've been taking lots of pics with that instead of the iPhone. Unfortunately that means that I have lots of pictures that I haven't uploaded just yet to use. Hopefully I'll have more to come later.

We are back in East Texas to cheer on the Frogs and ring in the new year. The past few days have been spent relaxing and trying to catch up on some much-needed rest. We've been enjoying some good family time too. HG loves to help cook and bake with us when we're here.

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas, spent with those you love! Here's to a great 2015!

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