Thursday, January 1, 2015

Only one resolution today...

Today I can only think of one New Year's resolution. Next year, I resolve to join the thousands of other parents of toddlers and infants and NOT stay up until midnight. At this stage in my life it might just be a little overrated. I also resolve to not give BK a hard time when he doesn't want to stay up until midnight either.

Baby K was so pumped for 2015 she decided she wanted to get up at 1:30am and celebrate. She enjoyed this so much that she decided to keep her (and my) own personal party going until 3am, then go ahead and get up at 6:15am. Needless to say, I was not at my best this morning to start this new year.

I would much rather welcome in January 1 feeling good and with a full night's sleep, which also makes me a much more pleasant person to be around. This morning I was cranky, then I was frustrated on top of that because I was pissed that this was the way I was starting 2015. Just not what I had in mind for the beginning of the year!

I do actually have a real resolution, but I'll be back with that later. For now, I'm going to bed. For everyone's sake, lets hope that Baby K needs to sleep her wild night off by sleeping through the night tonight. Here's to a new day tomorrow!

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