Sunday, January 18, 2015

Snowy Switzerland!

Today was really a great day. I'm including all of our pics from our time outside today, but we also had a really good day at home. Baby K slept through the night (although I can't say the same for the brown dog), the three of us had breakfast and lunch together at home, we napped when she napped, had some quiet time to read, and enjoyed the great, but cold, weather together.
Walking along the lake today
After Baby K got up from her afternoon nap we decided to get out and head up the mountain from our house. Our area got quite a bit of snow yesterday and last night, so the scenery has completely changed. Montreux is low enough that we haven't had any snow stick yet, but hopefully this week we will see some. Of course it won't be anything like Texas; life goes on and you just dress accordingly for the weather.
Headed up the mountain- about 5 minutes drive from our house
Here are some pics from today. Glion comes first and is about a five minute drive, and then comes Caux, a little higher up the mountain. It really feels like winter, and I can't get over how different this area is from Basel! I'm excited for the month's to come! We plan to ski soon, which will just be a day trip from home!

After walking around and playing in the snow, we headed inside to have a drink and warm up a bit. Baby K was curious about the snow, but didn't like it so much when her hands got cold. We forgot to take our sled up the mountain, but maybe next weekend we'll go back up and take Baby K sledding. And don't worry grandparents, we'll hold on to her tight!

The way back down was really pretty as well. I caught this one of the lake when we were between Glion and Montreux. Crossing my fingers for a beautiful white week!

Oh yeah, I forgot about the most ridiculous part of our day...when we left the house I put the key in my coat pocket. Then, when we got back home I couldn't find it. I'm assuming it is in the snow somewhere on the mountain about our house. I put my gloves in my coat pocket and I'm guessing it fell out getting my gloves/camera/phone in and out. Not the greatest way to end the day, but we were able to go to the babysitter's house and get the extra. I guess at least we didn't end up in a hotel...

All that said, still a great day. Hope you all have a great week!

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