Wednesday, January 21, 2015

They're plotting against me...

Baby K loves Tanner
I think the dog and the kid may be out to get me. Between Baby K and Tanner, I have yet to get a full night's sleep since we've been back from the US. It's like they discuss, then decide which one of them (if not both) is going to get up in the middle of the night. This does not bode well for me. Or BK, if I'm being completely honest. I'm not one who "loves to sleep", but I do appreciate a full seven to eight hours uninterrupted.

I've had numerous people tell me how lucky I am that she sleeps through the night, and did so very early on. Even when she was really little, her waking at night was never that bad, but I think because I was mentally prepared for it, I handled it better. Whereas now, all I want is a full night's sleep. One where no one wakes up until 6:30, when it's time to get up.

BK usually asks me why I think Baby K woke up. Ummm...I have no clue. Remnants of jet lag? Teething? Growth spurt? Your guess is probably as good as mine. I just know I need it to stop.

Tanner on the other hand, I know what his problem is. Just before we left to come to the US for Christmas, our little brown dog was diagnosed with diabetes. It's unfortunate in general, but the timing could not have been worse, as we were leaving him for a month. Ultimately, we came back and he had lost a lot of weight and his sugar/insulin levels are still not stable. All that said, he drinks a lot, then subsequently has to go outside a lot at night. One night last week he seriously got up about every 30 minutes. I was not such a nice person the next day.

After sleeping on the couch with Tanner for part of the night last night, I woke up and told BK that I was dreaming about us getting a hotel for the weekend. Romantic right? Nope, my dream was that he could stay there one night, and I could stay there one night, then each of us would get one full night of uninterrupted sleep. And yes, it has come to this.

But tonight's a new night, so here's to hoping it gets a little better!

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