Sunday, October 25, 2015

All the grandmothers!

Rochers de Naye
Our life has felt like a bit of a whirlwind lately. Maybe not so much for BK, as he's still been working away as usual, but Baby K and I have been traveling around and doing stuff with all the grandmothers. It's been really fun, and I'm so thankful Baby K has had some one-on-one time with her grandmothers and great-grandmother!
Heading home from the airport
My mom was up last, arriving in Switzerland just a couple of days after Nani and NeeNee departed. My days in between included a little catching up on things and one day with five hours of French lessons to attempt to catch up with those as well. Baby K and I headed to the airport Friday afternoon to pick her up!
Hiking up the 1055 steps
My mom has been to visit us five times now, so her visits are a bit more relaxed, as she's here to do a little sightseeing, but mostly just to spend time with us. We mostly stayed in this area, and she and I even enjoyed a couple of days just the two of us, when Baby K went to creche. Over the weekend, she got settled and we pretty much stayed in Montreux. We hiked the 1000 stairs Saturday afternoon, then went to dinner at Le Museum Restaurant for some typical Swiss fare. Sunday was a gloomy, rainy day, but we did venture out briefly to take the funicular in Vevey and make a stop at Hotel Kempinski.
Baby K lunching with her baby
Monday was a sick day for Baby K, as her teeth were really bothering her. Tuesday she was better and while she went to creche, my mom and I spent the day in Geneva exploring. We went to the Red Cross Museum, stopped by the UN, and visited the cathedral.
Photo identification project
Restoring family links section of museum
Statues who represent those who have lost everything, have no rights
I would highly recommend the Red Cross Museum if you're in Geneva. I think it is a great exhibit on war, peace, human dignity, and atrocities that have occurred throughout the world. There are three primary sections in the museum, one on family links, one on natural disasters, and one on human dignity. There are great interactive aspects of the exhibitions that allow witnesses to speak directly to you about their experience. Go if you get the chance.
Three legged chair in front of UN- signifying stance against land mines
We didn't go inside the UN, just walked around the area. For our last little bit of the day we went to Geneva's old town to see the cathedral. I think the lake probably gets most of the attention in Geneva, but it's old town is quite charming and has a pretty large and historic cathedral. I would really like to go back and spend more time in the city exploring more.
St. Pierre Cathedral
Inside St. Pierre
The next day we decided to go to the Zoo de Servion. It was a bit different from going to the zoo in Fort Worth, as it was sunny, but around 38 degrees and windy. We bundled up and enjoyed our chilly little outing. I love the zoos in Europe because you can get really close to the animals and they typically seem to be really active.
Playing at the zoo
Up close and personal with the animals
Zip lining at the zoo
Thursday Baby K went back to creche again and mom and I went up to Rochers de Naye. BK, Baby K and I went up with Nani and NeeNee, but I also wanted to take my mom up, as she had never been and it's an easy trip from Montreux. In the week since we went up with Nani and NeeNee it had snowed, and without Baby K we were able to do a bit more hiking around.
Horn player and flag thrower greeting the train
View from the top
View from the top
Winter is well on its way!
Hiking around, looking down into the valley
Friday morning mom headed back to the airport to catch her flight home. It was a really quick trip, but also a really good one. There were two little ones (Abbs and LJ) eagerly awaiting her arrival back at DFW. They were excited that Mawmaw got to see Baby K, but much happier to have her back with them again.
Waiting for her train
We have about a month long break for visitors, then my sister and her husband are making the trip across the pond to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. No more trips scheduled this year, but still plenty coming up to keep us busy!

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