Sunday, October 18, 2015

Four generations take Switzerland

Now that we've had a day or so to get Mawmaw settled in, I thought I would tell you about the rest of our time with NeeNee and Nani. So many grandmothers, so little time! If only we had more time with all of them!

When we returned to Switzerland from London, we enjoyed an afternoon at home getting settled and grilled for dinner that night. We wanted to have an easy night to recover from the hustle and bustle of London and get ready for a day trip to Basel the next day.
Road trip to Basel!
We took a day trip to Basel so we could show NeeNee where we lived and played during our first year-and-a-half in Switzerland. On our way there we stopped in Fribourg so that Nani and NeeNee could see where BK works now. It was also good for Baby K to get out and stretch her legs a bit a little ways into our trip.
Visiting our Basel apartment
In Basel we had lunch at the pizzaria we used to frequent, then headed up to Munsterplatz to visit the church and square. Kate enjoyed running around the church, and I think NeeNee and Nani enjoyed seeing the inside and outside, including some tombs from the 900s. From there we walked down to Marktplatz, then across Mittlebrucke to take a walk by the Rhein. We showed NeeNee where we used to live, then made one last stop at Novartis so she could also see where BK used to work. After that we headed back to Montreux for the night.
Cloud waterfall at Rochers de Naye
Hiking up to the top!
Sunday morning we left the Montreux train station and rode the Golden Pass train up to Rochers de Naye. This is somewhere we had never been before, but have wanted to go for a while. Rochers de Naye is above Montreux, at an elevation of 6200 feet. You pass through a number of mountain stops on the train, go though the clouds, and arrive at Rochers de Naye above the clouds.
Everyone at the top
The views are really amazing when the clouds clear; you have a 360 degree view from the top. We saw a really unique "cloud waterfall" of moving clouds in the mountains as well. NeeNee was such a trooper and hiked right up to the top of Rochers de Naye to take in the views as well. We had lunch on the train on the way down, then all came back to the house to rest. That evening we had a babysitter for Kate and went up to Hostellerie de Caux for fondue, to have a taste of something traditionally Swiss.
A traditional Swiss dinner
Monday was Nani and NeeNee's last full day in Montreux. BK even took the day off! The weather was chilly, but the sun was out and it was a really nice day, so we decided to take a lake cruise around our end of the lake, including briefly going across to France. After nap time we went around the lake a bit to Chateau de Chillon, then walked back to Montreux to have dinner at one of the restaurants we like to frequent.
Nani and Kate on the boat
Inside Chateau de Chillon
The next morning it was back to the grind for BK, and NeeNee, Nani, Baby K and I had an easy morning at home before they caught the train to Geneva to fly back to the US. NeeNee walked Tobs one last time, with all of us enjoying a stroll down our street, up above the lake. Baby K and I helped Nani and NeeNee down to the station, and off they went, back to London, then on to the US.
On our last walk together for this trip
We loved getting to share our life with Nani and NeeNee and can't wait to see them soon at Christmas!

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