Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016!

Happy New Year from Baby K!
I'm happy to say that I welcomed 2016 in just the way I resolved to do so last being in bed before midnight! I know, it seems SO not exciting, but I started 2016 a much happier person as a result.

Although, once again, Baby K woke up last night. It's like she knows it's New Year's Eve or something and she wants to be up. BK and I then made the mistake of putting her in bed with us, thinking that she would go back to sleep quicker. Little did we know that our tiny person would literally take up the majority of our king sized bed. That was the first and last time we do that- so not a good idea.

2015 was a great year full of new experiences as a family, lots of travel and more adventures living abroad. At the beginning of last year I resolved to let life happen a little bit more, and not feel the need to plan everything all the time. I am absolutely still a planner and want to know how things are going to go. But, I do think I did a little bit better this year, loosening up about the order that must be had. I'll probably keep working on this one, keeping in mind that as Baby K gets older, she will also have her ideas about how things "should" go. We'll see how that works out for all of us.

2016 is sure to hold many new adventures for BK, Baby K and me. Looking out to the first few months of the year, we already have a number of trips planned to places we haven't been before, and both my mom and dad have scheduled trips over to visit us. Baby K will continue to go to creche, and I'm thinking about only taking French once per week so I can join a hiking group and explore more of our area. As cliche as it sounds, life is good, and we're extremely fortunate to be where we are.

And...if I'm completely honest, BK and I are getting closer to being ready to come back to Texas. With Baby K getting older, it is killing us that she only sees our parents and her cousins two times per year. And seeing her have so much fun with them when we're in Texas really drives that home. Even though we love living abroad, it's just so far away from everyone we love. Lots of things have to fall into place for this to happen, but we'll see what life brings this year. 

2016 should be a good one! Best wishes for a wonderful year to all!

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