Thursday, March 28, 2013

Reflections on the first few days

I don't have a lot of new things to report in on thus far.  I am happy to report that BK and I are now officially registered with the Swiss government, so we can now do other things like open a bank account and purchase a monthly tram pass for use in April.  It snowed the past couple of days, all day, and it's still really cold outside.  We're in Paris now- it's also really cold here, but more on that later.

I have had a few observations about us living here in the short time we've been here:
  • I came a little bit prepared for a lot of random stuff.  For example:
    • I probably own 15 sets of iSomething headphones.  How many did I make it to Basel with?  Zero.  How that happened, I'm not quite sure; I'm hoping that some of them might be in the air shipment.  
    • I brought some scarves, but there more the decorative type to wear with sweaters, tees, etc- they don't so much do a good job of keeping you warm.
    • As I previously mentioned, the "winter" running clothes aren't nearly warm enough for this climate.  On the other hand, I also forgot to pack workout t-shirts, so I've had to use BK's shirts to workout instead when I've gone down to the gym.
    • BK has coat, gloves, hats and no scarves.  I have coat, gloves, summer scarves and no hat. Not sure why I couldn't put together a complete ensemble for either of us.
  • Water is definitely the next commodity.  People in Europe must stay extremely dehydrated, as I never see anyone walking around with water bottles like they do in Texas.  It costs to get water anywhere you go, and I find that if we're at a restaurant I am suddenly always dying of thirst.  I think mentally, I just want a glass of water (ice would be pushing it) in case I get thirsty, and am just used to having it.  Wine can only do so much to quench my thirst.
  • BK and I really function better if we have more than just a room to live in.  I'm sure this is true for most married couples, but I've told myself that this experience will just make us much more thankful for the one bedroom apartment we're about to temporarily move into.
  • No adults wear galoshes over here.  I have some yellow ones that I wore when it was snowing hard the other day, and I pretty much stuck out like a sore thumb.  I've decided that's okay though, I like them and they keep my feet really warm and dry.  Let people think what they will.
  • Doors into shops, restaurants, hotels, etc. all open in.  Every single time I try to enter an establishment I pull on the door to open it.  Every. Single. Time.  You would think after a few times I would learn, but I haven't quite gotten this one down yet.
  • I really should have done some training for the amount of walking that I'm now doing on a daily basis.  I love it, don't get me wrong, but I am having a reality check on what type of shape I'm actually in. 
  • On a more serious note, BK and I are going to have to work hard not to work at night all the time.  It's somewhat tempting and convenient to log on in the evening when everyone you work with is in the office, but then you essentially end up working around the clock.  After this weekend we'll be seven hours ahead of Texas, so that's just not going to work.
That's about it for now; just a few observations on how the first couple of days have gone.  I should have lots to post about Paris...exciting times!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the visual of you in yellow boots tugging at doors, looking for water! Miss you La you have the boys yet? I hope their travel wasn't too stressful.
