Sunday, March 24, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun...and really busy

As I'm sure most people who blog on at least a semi-regular basis do, I had this grand plan of blogging every couple of days leading up to the move.  Well, as our move date inched closer all of my time was consumed by, what else, but the move.  If you ever plan to move abroad, or even from state to state, be prepared for just how all consuming your move will be, especially in the last week.  We're not quite to Basel yet.  We missed our connecting flight from London, so here we sit in the British Airways lounge for a couple of hours.

A lot has happened since I last posted.  A brief recap would be:

  • BK travelled to Bangkok, Basel and Miami
  • Visas came earlier than expected
  • Wrapped up some projects at jobs
  • Continued with the purging and packing of house
  • Separated our life into suitcase on plane/air shipment/sea shipment
  • LOTS of family in town
  • Going away party
  • Sold both cars (shed a tear over mine)
  • Handled lots of legal and financial matters to transfer our life to Europe
  • Had what I like to call a "Farewell Tour" of last lunches and dinners
The last four days were probably the most stressful.  It's great to have someone come in and pack your house, but it does take quite a bit of preparation on your part.  As I mentioned above, our lives have been separated into the categories of take on the plane with us, air shipment and sea shipment.  This was all well and good until I realized that I packed a TON of stuff to bring with us on the plane.  My thought was, we're going to be living there, and I don't want to feel like I'm just on vacation.  BK's thought was to pack like we were going on a three week trip (approximate time our air shipment arrives).  Oops, I missed the mark on that one a little bit.  At some point, I also realized that I would need to bring the dog crate, pillow, bowls, leashes, etc. with us on the plane because the dogs will arrive before the air shipment does, adding to the "take on plane" pile.

We did some last minute cleaning and minor repairs to the house and left it in good hands with KR, then moved in with my parents for a couple of nights.  Friday and Saturday consisted of us running around doing all of the last minute stuff that we couldn't do a long time before leaving.  We did manage to squeeze in a massage, a last dinner at Eddie V's and a last lunch at Joe T's.  

We tried hard to soak up as much family and friend during the last couple of weeks, knowing that it would be much longer than we're used to before seeing them again. Leaving my dad at check in and calling my mom from the plane was a little emotional, but I did hold it together.  I think BK and I were so exhausted by the time we got on the plane, we both crashed quickly and slept until it was time for breakfast.  

And that brings us to now- waiting in the lounge, just a few more hours before we reach our final destination and new home for two years.

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