Tuesday, December 10, 2013

This having-a-kid-thing is getting more real!

I'm happy to report that the second hospital tour was much more successful than the first one. Not hard, considering that the first one was a complete fail. And, considering that I only had a ten minute walk to the hospital, I should certainly hope that I could figure this one out.

Like I said, this having a kid thing is getting more real. I think I forgot to mention that BK and I brought a stroller home from the US when we came back this last time. When we were in the US I got a lot of questions like, "Oh my gosh, have you bought so much baby stuff?" Ummm, no. Before buying our stroller, we had literally bought nothing. Some friends here in Basel bought us our first outfit for her after we found out we were having a girl, but that's been it thus far.

University Hospital
Back to the hospital tour. It wasn't actually a tour, but just an information night for English speaking parents. They used to do an actual tour but the people giving birth didn't really appreciate others being paraded around the maternity ward- I can appreciate that. They did do a virtual tour for us though, near the end of the presentation.

I was kind of sad that BK couldn't be there with me, but work calls and I have plenty of materials to fill him in with. We have decided to have Baby K at the University Hospital. Some people in Basel are surprised at this since we have private insurance and can go to a private hospital if we want, but the closest one is 45 minutes from us and takes at least two transfers on public transportation. I just can't bring myself to do it- the ten minute walk (or two minute bus ride) from our apartment wins out.

The information night actually brought up more questions for my doctor than anything else. I think I'm relatively clear on how things will work at the hospital, what I need to do to register and what type of care is provided. I also like the University Hospital because, on the off chance that something out of the ordinary happens, they have additional facilities that can care for me or Baby K very well.

So, here are a few things I learned tonight:

  • When we get back from Christmas in the US I need to register at the hospital. This includes providing them with both of our original birth certificates and marriage certificate. Kind of scary to part with these things, but they will be returned.
  • When I think I'm going into labor we're supposed to call the hospital to let them know. Based on what we tell them, they'll let us know if we should go ahead and come in or if we should wait a little longer. Regardless, they like you to call so they can have your room and records ready upon arrival. Efficient.
  • Private doctors (like mine) do not deliver babies at the hospital. They have doctors and midwives on staff who do that. Interesting. I'm wondering…am I supposed to call my doctor and let her know that I'm in labor? How will she know I've had Baby K?
  • Midwives play a much larger role in Switzerland than in the US and are with you throughout labor, whereas the doctor is not- only for delivery.
  • The hospital just recently changed their rules so that two people could be in the labor room. I guess this is unlike the US where you might have the entire family cycling in and out.
  • Visiting hours are from 11am to 8pm…including the father! Yikes. We can pay extra for BK to be able to stay in my room at the hospital, and I fully intend for us to do that.
  • We stay in the hospital for three full days after the birth, but a midwife can come to the apartment for up to ten days after dismissal to check on baby and mom.
  • We pick a pediatrician before Baby K gets here, but they also do not come to the hospital. The hospital pediatrician sends them a report after we are discharged.
I think that about sums it up. I need to contact them tomorrow about childbirth classes for BK and I to attend sometime in January or February, and I now have a list of questions to ask my doctor as well. 

One of my biggest questions is…how will I know I'm in labor? I don't have a clue, and BK says he doesn't know either. Hopefully we'll figure it out!

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