Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Frogs, frogs everywhere

Maybe a more fitting title for this post would be It's a small world after all.

BK and I just returned to Basel after about a week in the US for Thanksgiving. At the end of our trip we were able to catch our third TCU football game (in person) of the season, and a funny thing happened while we were sitting in our seats for the first time.

At the beginning of the game, I was kind of wondering if the people who sit in the seats near ours were wondering why various people had been cycling in and out of the seats. BK and I heard them talking with the people in front of them (they were all together), and they mentioned they had an 11 flight the next morning.

This peaked BK's curiosity, as we're quite familiar with 11 hours flights. So, BK leaned over to the husband and said, "I heard that you have an 11 hour flight tomorrow, where do you all live?" And what was the guy's reply…SWITZERLAND!

Seriously? 40,000 people in the stadium and BK and I are sitting next to the two people who also live in Switzerland. It was pretty funny to lean over to them and reply, "Us too." They were surprised as well. Turns out they have lived in Zurich for about six years, but are transferring to New York in January.

Moral of the story? No matter how global the world becomes, it remains a small world indeed.

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