Tuesday, July 29, 2014

On to the next adventure: UK and Ireland

When I left you last, Carkel and JW had just left Switzerland to head back to the US after a really fun visit. No rest for the weary though...early the next morning (7am flight) BK, Baby K and I headed to the UK to meet J&A for some fun at the British Open, Dublin and Northern Ireland. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me or anything, it was just a wild three weeks with all of our visitors.
Worn out from our travels
We took the early flight over to London to meet J&A at Heathrow where they were also flying into from DFW. I'm kind of a stickler for a couple of things on Baby K's schedule, so we decided to wake her up at 4am, feed her, put her back to sleep, then we were off to the airport at 5:30am to catch the 7am flight. We fed her on the flight and she was back asleep for most of it, so all went well, but it was an early morning for all of us, and a long flight for J&A, so that's where we started in London.
BK and Baby K on the flight- both asleep shortly after this
We didn't stay in London, but took the Heathrow Express from the airport into the city, to catch a train to Liverpool, where the Open Championship (known as the British Open to Americans) was being held. I told J&A I was really trying to give them the "European" experience by having us take public transport everywhere.

They were game for it all though, so after riding the Heathrow Express (essentially a commuter train), the tube (including a line change) and the National Rail, we made it to Liverpool around 3:30 that afternoon. From there we took the bus to the Liverpool Airport where we were staying for the next two nights. I wish I would have known that day that the taxis there let you roll the stroller into the taxi, so we could have ridden without the required car seat. May sound a little risky, but it ended up being awesome for us and super convenient.
Arriving at Liverpool Station
We honestly didn't think much of the city of Liverpool, but we also didn't spend a lot of time exploring the city. The whole reason we made a stop here was to go to The Open Championship, which this year was held at Royal Liverpool Golf Club. So the next morning we took it easy and then headed out to the tournament.
At The Open
I thought The Open was a great experience and something that I would love to do again. Most tournaments I have been to are more about the social aspect, but this one is serious business; it is a major after all. The Open was extremely well run, with very knowledgeable volunteers and people who are serious about golf. Of course Baby K attended the tournament as well, sleeping through some of it, but also walking around the course far enough away to not make any crazy noise when golfers were golfing. We got to see many of the big-time golfers come through, including Rory...he won the tournament, for those of you who aren't golfers.
Afternoon meal on the course; I would include a different pic,
but it's not allowed on the course
The next day we were up extremely early (think 4am again) for a 6:30am flight to Dublin. When you arrive in Dublin at 7:30am, there's not all that much to do, but by the time we got to the hotel it was probably around 10, so we set out exploring. First things first though, we had to get a car and drive on the wrong side of the road! And when I say "we", I actually mean BK. We did get an automatic, so he picked it up fairly quickly, but it was a different experience. You kind of squirm every time you pull on to the "wrong" side of the road.
Something seems not quite right here...
In Dublin, I think we hit most of the big sights, but honestly weren't crazy about it by the end. Our hotel was just down the street from St. Patrick's Cathedral, so we visited that first, then walked through St. Stephen's Green to Grafton Street, to Trinity College (where the Book of Kells is kept, although we did not wait in the long line to see it), then back to Grafton Street area for a late lunch, then back to the hotel for a tiny bit of down time before heading over to the Guinness Storehouse. We did enjoy walking around and seeing the sites, but the city just didn't have any kind of welcoming feel to it.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Inside St. Patrick's Cathedral
Trinity College
The Guinness Storehouse was one of our favorite things in Dublin. The Storehouse has an awesome set up, with seven floors to tour. The brewery goes through their entire history and process of making beer, ending on the top floor- their tasting room. You don't have a selection of what to taste or anything, but you do get your brew poured by an expect at the Storehouse. BK and J also did a tasting class, learning the proper way to drink Guinness to get the most out of it.

The proper way to drink Guinness
Baby K was interested as well
That night BK and I hired a baby sitter and were baby-free for a night on the town! After Baby K was down for the night the four of us headed to dinner at a great place called Brasserie Sixty-6, not far from our hotel. It did seem a little trendy, but still had a warm feeling, and the food was pretty good as well. 
Night out for the parents!
After dinner we wanted to have the real Irish pub experience and hear some Irish music as well. I know lots of tourists go to the Temple Bar area, but we heard to stay away from that area, mostly because it was so touristy. Instead we went to Brazen Head, the oldest Irish pub still serving today. A band was playing, but ironically they were playing all Americana music...no Irish jigs to be had. We were all extremely tired, so it wasn't an incredibly late night out, but we all had a great time out together.
Brazen Head
The next morning we were on to Northern Ireland and then back to Switzerland after these adventures together. But it's getting late here and Baby K gets up at the same time every day, so I'm calling it a night. More on the rest of our adventures to come soon!

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