Saturday, July 26, 2014

Some serious adventures in Switzerland

To say this month has been busy would be a severe understatement. So...we've been to Montreux (a number of times), Luzern, shown people around Basel, Wengen (all of the above in Switzerland), Liverpool, Dublin, and Northern Ireland. I mean, really; some days I wonder what in the world BK and I are doing.
And the fun begins!
The fun started when Carkel came to visit at the beginning of July. She came with her friend JW, who was also a great visitor and fun to have around. I was actually really thankful that she came with Carkel, because they were able to go and do lots more together than Baby K and I could keep up with. They made the most of their vacation to say the least.
Arches in Munsterplatz
We spent our first night catching up over a bottle of champagne and some take out. It was great to get to catch up on life in general. BK stayed overnight in the city of his new job, so it was just the girls. We spent the next day exploring Basel, just wandering around to various sites. I think one of their favorites was Munsterplatz, including climbing to the top of the tower. BK and I have to do this before we leave!
Carkel and JW at the top of the tower
Baby K and I skipped their next adventure in Baden-Baden in the Black Forest. Now, when I say they made the most of their trip, I really mean it. At the end of the day I would typically get a message that said something like, "Can you text us the latest time we can catch a train back to Basel?" I would then text them various times for the night and they would catch the vary latest train they could...sometimes at 11pm, sometimes at 4am. They always eventually made it back in one piece!
Carkel and Baby K on the way to Luzern
The next day we all headed to Luzern. We got a little later start than expected, so Baby K and I only hung in for the lake cruise, then headed back to Basel, but they had a great time checking out Mount Rigi and exploring Luzern.
Chapel Bridge in Luzern
As I mentioned before, BK and I are moving to Montreux, so we spent our next day showing them around the city. The Montreux Jazz Festival also happened to be going on.  Unfortunately it was also raining pretty much all day too, so that kind of put a damper on things. I was glad that Carkel at least got to see where we were going to live though.
View from the new house
The next couple of days we went on an excursion to Wengen, Switzerland. JW had a friend who recommended this little mountain village, and it was well worth the trip. JW and Carkel even made the executive decision (their words) to stay an additional night and really soak up the Swiss Mountain experience. Wengen is beautiful and exactly what you picture when you think of the Swiss Alps.
View from our hotel
The three of us enjoyed a brief walk around Wengen, fed and put Baby K down, then headed out for a  true Swiss fondue experience. The food was really good, but really filling- lots of cheese and potatoes to say the least. We were stuffed! Everyone wants to do fondue when they come to Switzerland; just make sure you have it somewhere cold and preferably in the mountains to get the true experience!
Fondue and rosti..Yum!
JW and Carkel enjoying their fondue
The next morning we got up and headed up the mountain. Wengen is one of the towns near Jungfrau, so do that if you get the chance. I was a little disappointed to find out that Baby K and I would not be making the journey all the way up, as it is not recommended for little ones under two. This is primarily because of their lung development versus the altitude, and also because if they were to get altitude sickness they can't really let you know, which is bad news.
Village nestled in the mountains
Me and Baby K at the top
The highest it was recommended for us to go was Kleine Scheidegg, which is on the way up to Jungfrau. We took a cable car up the mountain and were greeted by a wall of fog. Sometimes it's hard to plan trips to the mountains because you never know what kind of weather you're going to get. We did have some clear times, but it was mostly cloudy when we were up there. The hike was still beautiful and a great experience.
Carkel, me and Baby K at Kleine Scheidegg
Stopping for a quick bite for Baby K...with some blue skies
Shortly after our descent down the mountain, Baby K and I had to head back to Basel to make it back somewhat close to bath and bed time. Carkel and JW went to explore some waterfalls and enjoy a nice dinner. I think their next day held a dairy/cheese tour and hiking around a bit more. You'll have to check with them on the rest of that adventure.
A lookout on the mountain after lunch
Our last night together, we enjoyed raclette, another traditional Swiss dish, and they got ready to head back to the US. They got back just in time for Carkel to spend a little bit of time with Baby K before she went to sleep for the night. We sort of ended the trip like we started it- an easy dinner at home just catching up on stuff together. It was really good and just what I needed.
Loving on Baby K before she leaves
I am so, so thankful that Carkel and JW made the trip over here! I'm glad that Carkel got to meet Baby K for the first time and had such a good time in all of she and JW's adventures. It was back to the grind for them when they got back, but not to worry, we still had lots left to do. The day after they left BK, Baby K and I met other friends in the UK. More on that coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to have you guys in with us and we hope that you enjoyed your visit. From the family at Sixty6!
