Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Parlez-vous le français?


Okay, okay, so I answered that question like I was fluent or something. I am not just yet, but have made tons of progress in the past three days.

As you might have guessed, I'm back at it again, and am in language school- this time for French. Thanks to Switzerland having four official languages, we are now living in the French speaking part, and have said auf weidersehen to German. For the next two weeks I am spending three hours per day at school in Lausanne, then after that will move to going two days per week.

I'm excited and having fun trying to bring French back to the front of my brain. Now that I'm being reminded of the French I know, it doesn't take me nearly as long to recall words and sentence structure as it did when first learning German. Although, it is strange that occasionally when asked about a word, sometimes I can only come up with the German word. Never thought that would have happened, but after 18 months of being immersed in Basel, it's probably a pretty natural thing.

Where is Baby K you may wonder? She stays home with a babysitter while I'm in school. We're on the waiting list for creche (nursery), but you often have to wait quite a long time before getting a spot, so in the meantime, a babysitter it is. I gave her Baby K's schedule in French, and they seem to be doing well together. They get out and stroll, she feeds her, they play- you know, the typical baby stuff.
A reassuring pic from the babysitter on our first day apart
One thing I really like is that she is a local; she is Swiss and speaks French with Baby K. Now that I've been going to class and picking things up again, I try to communicate with her in French. This typically involves me speaking to her in French (simple things) and her speaking back to me in English (she knows some). We're making progress.

I have to wrap this post up now. I have homework to finish before Baby K gets up from her nap.

A bientôt!
(See you soon!)

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