Sunday, November 16, 2014

Prague + an unwanted gift

I'm sorry to report that our trip to Prague has been overshadowed by a nasty stomach bug I brought home, then passed to BK, who then passed it along to Baby K. Yuck! But now that we're all recovered, we can move on with life.

Prague was our last European destination of the year and somewhere we've had on our list for quite some time. It is a beautiful city and somewhere BK and I both agreed we would like to visit again. There's so much history in Prague, but I guess that's true about most of Europe. Being here, I'm constantly reminded just how young the US is.

We spent a long weekend in Prague- from Friday afternoon to Monday afternoon. Flying from Zurich, it's just an hour long flight to get there. Baby K was a little restless on the flight, but not all too bad overall. We arrived in Prague, got settled, then headed out to explore a little bit. We stayed at Unitas Hotel, which I would highly recommend. It is in a great location in Old Town, the room was perfect for us, breakfast was included (something that I seriously love), and they were helpful with anything we needed.

Our first evening we wandered around Old Town and across Charles Bridge, kind of getting a feel for the city. Charles Bridge connects Old Town and Lesser Town, which you go through to get to the Castle District. We enjoyed the sights and stopped at Kampa Park restaurant to have a drink on their terrace. It was fun for the three of us, and Baby K had an exceptionally good evening with us, being playful and cordial the whole time. It gets dark around 4:30 or 5:00 in Prague right now, so even though it appears to be late, it was really early evening, and quite chilly.

Something BK and I typically try to do anywhere we go is find a babysitter for at least one night when we're traveling. Everyone wants to know how we find someone we're comfortable leaving Baby K with. One thing is, we always do bath time and bed time ourselves, so that we essentially just need someone to physically be there while she sleeps. So how do we find this person? Usually the hotel can recommend a nanny placement agency who has a bank of people who have been checked out and are available for other jobs. Just contact them and they can typically send someone. Yay for us!

So Friday night we went to a restaurant close to the hotel, Klub Architektu. It had a great wine-cave type atmosphere and the food was good as well. We discovered that Czech waitstaff are typically a little standoffish; they want to get your order quickly, and leave you alone otherwise. After that we stopped at Bonvivant's CTC for one more drink. According to BK they made a really good Old Fashioned, and my cava was good as well. It was a great little place, and you could tell they really cared about the drinks they made and served.

So that's all for our first night. More to come on the rest of our weekend- we did LOTS of walking over the next few days, braving the chilly weather and seeing the sights.

More to come soon, but French starts tomorrow, so I need to get ready for that. I'm very excited and am hoping it all comes flooding back very quickly. Au revior!

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