Monday, November 3, 2014

Baking for Baby K

I'm excited to report that I have someone new to bake for...Baby K! I didn't really think about this possibility until recently when either my mom or sister asked me if I had teething biscuits for Baby K. Oh yeah, I forgot about those things.

This is my first time baking for Baby K, but it's not my first time cooking for her. I've been making her baby food since she started eating solids. I'm not opposed to feeding her store bought food, but I figure, I like to cook, so why wouldn't I cook for her? Not to mention that each packet of baby food is 1.95 CHF (about $2), and I can buy 2 pounds of fruit for 3.50 CHF; not much of a comparison there as far as cost goes. Every two weeks or so I spend a couple of hours making food and then we're set.

They were easy to make, and Baby K sat in the kitchen with me while we were baking. She wasn't always this excited about baking with me, but at least I caught a good one.

I used this recipe, which is made up of things she's had before (my main requirement). In addition to the other couple of ingredients, I used banana and avocado as my "pureed fruit". Doesn't sound too appetizing, but it works; they were easy to mash up and I didn't have to use another cooking utensil.

After I rolled my dough out, I was all excited to get to use my cookie cutters, as I don't typically make cookies that require a specific shape. I somehow overlooked the fact that all of my large cookie cutters seem to be in shapes that are related to dogs. So I have a dog bone, dog paw, dog house and a dog shape. All of the cute ones I have are miniature cookie cutters, which I did not want to use, as they would be too small for Baby K. For easy handing we went with the paw and bone. I apparently need to work on my collection of cookie cutters...

Regardless of what they look like, I think they were a complete success. They occupied her and stopped the fussing for quite a while. I think her favorite part of the biscuits was that she "got" to share with the dogs. Of course, the second I put her in their vicinity, they were all over that. They seem to think it looks like a dog treat as well. She was delighted to go ahead and give Toby the majority of the biscuit below. On the upside, at least he gently removes it from her hand, being gracious and all.

So when you see pictures of us out and about, and on our trip this weekend, don't be alarmed thinking she's eating a dog treat. Nope, just a teething biscuit that looks like a dog treat.

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