Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Random musings today

I can't decide if I think living abroad would be an introvert's worst nightmare or dream come true. For the record, I'm not an introvert, which is sort of why I pose the question. It seems like being an expat, and especially a trailing spouse, you have to be an extrovert. I've spent most of my day today networking and finding new groups to be a part of. It feels like I've spent my day saying, "Will you please be my friend?!?!"

I'm sure if you have a job or children in school, this might not be so hard, but when I'm at home with Baby K, I could seriously go all day and only have contact with her and BK. It just seems a little hermit-like to me. And I'm sure I'm overwhelming to BK some nights when I need to get all my words out for the day and they rain down on him. I have been told before that I don't need to take 40 minutes to explain something that happened in 10.


Related to this, part of the reason I've been doing this is so I know when things happen. I'm so not good at being spontaneous. So when I see a message come across that there is a meet up or something that I didn't know about, I have a hard time fitting it into my day because I hadn't really planned for it. Boring and somewhat inflexible, I know.

BK even unexpectedly left me the car one day last week, and I didn't really put it to use. When I get the car during the week I like to be prepared to go to the store and get bulky stuff, run to places that are not so convenient by train and other random stuff, but if I don't even know what might be on my list I struggle to get out of what I had planned in my head of how the day would go. Yes I know, it's a little ridiculous.

I have the car tomorrow, but don't worry I have both my grocery list and the list of other random stuff that I want to get done ready to go and have sort of mapped out how Baby K and my day will go.


French is not coming back to me quite as quickly as I had hoped, but I'm still excited to get to use it. I met with a French school today about enrolling in class, and as soon as I have Baby K situated I can get started.

I am very excited about getting back into language class. I'm also excited to speak English and French to Baby K as she starts to develop language skills. She will get it while she's in creche (nursery) as well, but I'm excited about the possibility of reading children's books and doing other activities with her in French.

And to think...everyone said taking French in Texas was useless! Little did they know!

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