Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A wonderful weekend

Fairly often I am taken aback at just how beautiful it is here. Basel had its highlights for sure, but waking up each morning to an amazing view of the French Alps is pretty awesome. This weekend BK, Baby K and I did a little bit more exploring around our area, specifically visiting Glion and Caux.
Our view...it never gets old
But first things first...my deal with BK for the weekend. After a hard day last week I asked him if we could try something this weekend. Our deal was that each of us had responsibility for Baby K until noon one weekend day; BK had her Saturday and I had her Sunday.

The person who did not have Baby K could do what ever they wanted with their time. Saturday morning was glorious for me! I really didn't do anything specific, but it was just nice to be able relax and do whatever. I mean, I laid in bed and read a magazine, enjoying our view- crazy.

BK did a much better job than I did, but I think that's in part because I will let Baby K fuss a little more than he will, so she may have disturbed him more than I heard her, whereas I didn't hear a peep on Saturday. Lesson learned for next time.

Ok, so onto the rest of the weekend. Saturday we got out and had lunch on the lake, then did some shopping. We ran into Baby K's nap time in the afternoon, so after she fell asleep in the car we decided we would just drive around for a bit so she could sleep. Glion and Caux are up the mountain from Montreux, and we always see signs by our house for them, so I suggested we see where they go.

They are both tiny villages; you hit Glion first, then Caux further up. They are not necessarily what you think of when you think 'mountain town', but just old Swiss mountain villages. It's not high season, so there were very few people around. When we made it up to Caux we got out and decided to look around a bit. It is well worth the drive up.

The weather was perfect all weekend- sunny and around 65. Sunday morning BK decided he wanted to get out and hike, so we decided we would try to getting up to Glion and Caux again, this time on foot. The hike was challenging; no rock climbing or anything, but having Baby K attached to you adds 15 pounds more resistance.

To get up you walk through part of Montreux old town, including over the stream above, which runs into the lake. It was a steep climb up, and we only made it to Glion, but we really enjoyed being outside and trying to figure out where we were supposed to go. 
We stopped at Hotel Victoria for us and Baby K to have lunch and enjoy the view. It was nearing nap time so we took the funicular down the mountain and walked about 20 minutes back to the house. It was a great workout, and again, so nice to just be outside and enjoy the perfect weather.

I'm not sure what next weekend holds; Frog football obviously, but it doesn't start for us until 9 or 10 at night, so we have all day to do stuff. I'm sure we'll be out and about trying to make the most of the area while the weather is still nice. I'll share as we do more exploring!

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