Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A seriously Swiss weekend

It really annoys me that I haven't been blogging lately, and I'm not even sure why. I blame it on my computer not working sometimes, and various other things; regardless, I'm hoping to get back to it. That said...
View from Gruyere castle
Last weekend we delved into all things Swiss- chocolate, cheese, wine and fondue. And yes, all in one day. Our good friends AH and CH came down to Montreux from Basel to visit the three of us. AH was Baby K's first visitor after she was born, and it had been quite a while since we'd seen one another.

The H's came down on Friday and we stayed in at our house for dinner that night. We had a really great time, although we stayed up a little later than expected, chatting the night away. Baby K went to bed at her usual time though, and she also woke up at her usual time, which felt a little earlier than normal the next day. But, life doesn't wait, so it was off to enjoy all things Swiss!
Callier chocolate factory
We hit the Callier chocolate factory first. It's about 45 minutes from Montreux, just an easy drive north on the highway from here. The tour wasn't what I was expecting, but I thought it was pretty good. It is an automated tour, advancing you as you finish in each room. It essentially goes through the history of chocolate, both around the world and in Switzerland. And, specifically with Callier too, of course.
Playing in the cocoa beans
The second half of the tour is rooms with cocoa beans, machinery, samples, and a tasting room. The tasting room has about nine different kinds of chocolate. I think they put the best stuff at the end tasting stations so that you have already eaten quite a few pieces and don't want as much at that point.  Of course, after the tasting room you go into the store so you can purchase what you liked the most. BK and I did our part and stocked up.
Snowy Gruyere
After Callier we headed to Gruyere to see the town and have a quick snack. Between all the chocolate and saving room for fondue that night, we didn't need anything significant. BK, Baby K, and I went to Gruyere this fall, but it looks a bit different covered in snow. The views of the Alps covered in snow are amazing from the castle at the top of Gruyere. As usual, Baby K was along for the ride. This is how she comes along these days when we're expecting snow.
She's always along for the ride
After Gruyere we stopped by our favorite wine place in Lavaux, that has all Swiss wines from this region. Baby K slept through most of it, which I loved and appreciated! All the adults needed a nap, so we headed back to Montreux after that. Baby K needed to crawl around and get some wiggles out after being cooped up all day, so BK and I took 45 minute shifts and both grabbed a quick nap.
Caux fondue restaurant
That night we went up to Caux for fondue. BK and I re-found a place some other friends had taken us a number of years ago. We had some goat cheese fondue and a more traditional one with a white wine base. The experience was a great one, and BK says that he's now back on for fondue. Before this he was a little iffy, so this is good for visitors who want to come and have a traditional Swiss experience!
Fondue together!
The weekend wrapped up and we're on to this week now...work, French classes, dog-walking, etc. Next weekend we're skiing with some other friends. Time to kick the traveling into high gear!

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