Monday, February 23, 2015

Ski Switzerland

On our way to the slopes
Last weekend we hit the slopes in the Bernese Oberland, specifically we headed to the Lauterbrunnen/Wengen/Murren area. It's only about two hours from Montreux, so Baby K and I picked BK up from work, and in about an hour we were in the Alps for the weekend!
Our friends, the G's, met us in Lauterbrunnen; we actually chose this area because it's half way between Basel and Montreux- a great meeting place for the six of us. We checked in to our hotel, then went out to do a little bit of exploring. Skis were rented and then we found a little place to feed the girls dinner and have a snack before our dinner.
BK should have told me about the antlers...but Baby K is the cutest thing ever!
We had dinner in the hotel so the girls could sleep upstairs. Pretty much every restaurant in the area is typical Swiss food, so that's what it was for us...rosti and schnitzel. They also had beer in boots that BK and JG had, and a Swiss family playing traditional music in the restaurant.
Beer in boots
Swiss music in the restaurant
The next day BK and JG went skiing, and MG, myself, and the babies enjoyed breakfast at a cafe then started our journey up to the top of the mountain to meet the husbands for lunch. Half way up we stopped at Wengen to walk around a bit and see the town. Baby K and I went to Wengen this summer as well, but it's a little different in the winter.
From the Wengen train station
After a brief time in Wengen, we headed up to Kleine Scheidigg for lunch. The weather had turned not so great, so we didn't spend much time outside- just enough for a few pics after lunch.
BK and JG mid-ski
Skis outside of the station
Me and BK
MG and I hoped to make it back to our hotel in time to put the girls down for a nap, but it didn't quite work out like that. They both fell asleep in their strollers, so MG and I went back down to Wengen to continue walking and hope they stayed asleep long enough for a decent nap. Mission: pretty much accomplished.

View from Wengen 
Two sleepers in the strollers
After the girls were back awake, we went back down to Lauterbrunnen so the little ones could move around a little after being confined in their strollers all day. MG and I enjoyed happy hour in the room while Baby K and Baby M had the run of the room. It had also started snowing quite heavily in the afternoon as well, and I caught them both looking out our hotel window.
Watching for the Dads?
That night the husbands were quite tired from skiing all day, but we still dragged them out to dinner, despite their offers to stay at home and "watch" the girls.
Walking to dinner in the snow
It snowed quite a bit overnight, making for a really picturesque morning. We checked out of the hotel, then grabbed a quick bite for breakfast and decided to go up the other side of the mountain to Murren.
Lauterbrunnen after the snow
We weren't sure how much walking/hiking/trudging through the snow we would have to do, so the babies got to ride along for the day. And for the record, as we were getting ready and loading up, BK and JG totally acknowledged that they would have been making fun of those guys getting their kids loaded on to them a few years life changes.
Along for the ride with the Dads
Murren is similar to Wengen, it's just on the other side of the mountain. MG and I decided we liked Murren better because it felt a little more quaint and didn't have so many electric vans speeding down the streets, nearly running us over. We walked through Murren, did a little shopping, and stopped for lunch before heading back down.
Lots of snow!
Walking through Murren
Curling at the Alpine Sports Center
We took a cable car back down, and arrived just in time to put the girls in the car so they could nap on the way home. I'm happy to say that Baby K napped for two hours straight, waking up just as we arrived back in Montreux. BK and I took the scenic route home and drove through numerous other mountain towns and ski areas. It was really pretty and added a little fuel to the fire to decide where to go again in a couple of weeks.
Lauterbrunnen, coming down from Murren
We're trying to take advantage of being closer to skiing now, and plan to find somewhere else to go in the next couple of weeks. I know Fort Worth is having a snow day, but they sure are a lot more fun over here!!

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