Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My heart breaks a little bit tonight

Last night I told BK I felt like my heart was breaking a little bit for all the hate in the world. I rarely say anything political on this blog, mostly because my intention with it is to keep our family and friends updated on our life abroad. With that said, you also may know that I'm a social worker, and generally try to be a decent human being, so sometimes things just get to me.

The State of Texas does a lot of stupid things in relation to caring for people- especially when it comes to people who aren't Texans. Putting a stop to resettling Syrian refugees is one of the worst that I've seen yet. I'm embarrassed by this action. It is one of the worst things we could have chosen to do. Compassion at it's finest. Unfortunately, I have come to expect nothing less.

How quickly America forgets that we ultimately are a country of immigrants. Call it what you want, but unless you are 100 percent Native American Indian, your ancestors came from somewhere else, probably fleeing war, poverty, marginalization, hunger, or a number of other things- perhaps simply looking for more opportunity. I guess if you want to discount that, be thankful that the US did not have the same stance they did when your ancestors came over, that we seem to now.

I think the other thing that is getting me is the sheer amount of hate, discrimination, stereotyping and every other negative thing that goes on out there in relation to people who are different from "us". But, it's only goes on after a western country is hit with tragedy. Too bad for the middle eastern countries and cities who have seen violence in the days, week, months, and years before with no reaction or care from anyone. Only now, we should stop resettling people, don't let anyone in who doesn't look like us, and turn away anyone who is in need.

The thing that has continuously rolled around in my head has been a song that we used to sing at church camp: They will know we are Christians. Part of the song is: And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love; yes they'll know we are Christians by our love. I can't help but think right now, they'll know Christians by their hate, fear and unwelcoming spirit. Like I said, I feel like it's breaking my heart a little bit.

I saw this little gem earlier today and feel that it's quite fitting: "If only we had a seasonally appropriate story about a middle eastern couple seeking shelter."

Well crap, that's not very convenient, now is it? I can only hope for better times ahead.

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