Wednesday, September 11, 2013

BIG NEWS: A new addition on the way!

Wow! Big news from BK and I this week...well, we finally made it public news, that is. I think part of the reason I didn't blog while in Texas was because we were having fun telling family and close friends about our news. BK and I have known since around the beginning of August. The hardest part was keeping it to ourselves for two weeks before we went to Texas so we could tell people face to face.

I couldn't blog about it at the time, but it was fun to see everyone's reactions. Shock was the general reaction (not surprising), and often there were screams involved with tears that followed. One of BK's sisters asked us if we were playing a joke on them, and if it was, it was really mean. We took our first sonogram with us and typically told people that we had brought a pic with us from our time in Switzerland that really meant a lot to us, then we would hand the parent, sibling or whoever the sonogram picture. It was fun, but a little nerve-racking in the beginning.

Let me just get it out of the way and answer the most common questions that we've gotten when people find out. They may or may not be on your mind, but I figure I might as well answer for those people who are wondering.

Was this a surprise for you and BK? 
No, it was not a surprise, we just didn't tell anyone. We told a couple of close friends that we were thinking about thinking about it, but no one knew otherwise. We didn't really want all those questions about how it was going or anything like that. We figured we would just see what happened- it could have taken a month, six months, a year, or never.

What made you change your mind?
I personally blame it on the fact that Uncle Bub (BK) fell in love with Abbs. But really, BK and I started talking about sometime last year and decided that we had built a great life and should share it with a family. We are now getting some of the travel bug out of our system as well, which played into it too. Over the months we had tons of discussions about the whole thing. I mean, people have pretty much been asking when we were going to have kids since before we got married. We just needed time to do things our own way.

Will the baby be born in Switzerland?
Yes. After Christmas I will not be able to travel anymore, so that will be my last trip back to the US for a little while. I have found an English speaking doctor here that I really like, and has been great thus far.

Will the baby have dual citizenship?
No. The US is one of the only countries in the world where you gain citizenship so easily, as its given to anyone born in the country. Even if BK and I lived in Switzerland for many years, our child would not automatically be a citizen. The baby's birth certificate will be issued by the US Consulate here.

Are we going to find out what we're having?
Yes, but that doesn't happen for a little while. We'll keep you posted.