Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Two weeks in Tejas

Apparently I decided to take a vacation from the blog while we were in the US. It was not intentional, but looking back now, I'm assuming it was partially because I was visiting and spending time with the people I initially started writing the blog for.

The trip was a bit of a whirlwind, but having never lived outside of Fort Worth, I wasn't sure what to expect. I've never had to schedule a bunch of friends and family for lunches and dinner, making sure we see as many people as possible. About half way through the trip it actually dawned on me that I had been gallivanting around so much with my friends that I hadn't really seen much of my family. Things slowed down a little bit during the second week, but it was still pretty packed.

In the middle of the trip we also headed to Kilgore to see BK's family and celebrate RK and HG's birthdays. We capped the trip off by watching the Frogs play LSU the night before we left. Unfortunately we lost, but it's exciting the college football has begun again. And then there's the shopping. Let's just say the BK and I personally contributed to helping boost the economy over those two weeks.

I'll be honest, I was a little worried that when we came back I would be longing for Fort Worth- for my family, friends, familiar faces and places, easy access to many things I'm familiar with. But I was very happy to find that upon our return I was very happy to be back, and as strange as it feels to say, this feels like home right now. It probably also helps that Switzerland greeted us with perfect weather- 75 and sunny for the high, and 50 and cool at night. Sounds like late October in Texas.

Today I picked up the pups, who seem to be pretty much unfazed after 18 days at their holiday home. Now it's time to get back into our routine, and now that I have a little bit of language under my belt really find a purpose and way to spend my time here. Let's make it happen!

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