Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Feeling compressed at breakfast

Now that we've finally gotten our big news out there, there are other things to blog about and I really need to get better about posting regularly. Story of my life on this blog. I also think I'm trying to be somewhat cognizant about not always posting about being pregnant, how we're preparing or how I'm feeling. Alas, that's what you get this morning!

All that said, BK and I are off for more travels today. By law here, he is required to take two weeks in a row off from work. For his two weeks we are headed to Greece. But before we get there we've made a stop in Zurich for a couple of business meetings and are then taking the train to Geneva to fly to Athens (direct flight and much cheaper), which leads me to where I am now- feeling compressed during breakfast.

Knowing that we're doing quite a bit of travel before the end of the year (everything planned right now involves flying), my doctor has prescribed compression stockings for me to wear on each flight that we're on. Fun times and super attractive, but obviously well worth it to ensure that no blood clots occur way up there. She also recommended that we fly business class on our long-haul flights back to the US so that I'm not cramped up in coach. Yes please, and thank you for that. We already do this, but a little reinforcement never hurt.

The stockings are not all that bad, but the thing is, I do whatever possible not to have to wear any type of pantyhose-type things. Tights are a little different and go in and out of being trendy (at least in Texas where you don't have to wear them for warmth) so I'm willing to do those occasionally. I would also put slips in this same category. It used to just kill my mom that I resisted pantyhose and slips so much. For me, they've always just been excess (and unnecessary) items that people wear under their real clothes. 

But, here I sit this morning with stockings under my jeans. They're honestly not that bad, although I'm glad the doctor didn't order me to have the full pantyhose up to my waist. I can't imagine the nightmare that would be when I make yet another trip to the bathroom. And, as it's pretty chilly here this morning (45 degrees) they do keep my legs a little warmer as well.

They won't be making any regular appearances in my wardrobe, but they do get to travel Europe and the world with me for the next few months. A small price to pay to make sure the lentil stays ok in there and can keep traveling with us.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes! And walk around on the plane every 1/2 hour or so. And, you can always pop an aspirin for good measure. Coming from the woman with circulation issues :)
