Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halfway there!

Today I had a couple of different blogs rolling around in my head, but then I got caught up in walking the dogs, the grocery store, baking a new creation for work-day-five tomorrow (more on that tomorrow) and other random stuff that I needed to do today. This seems to have left me a little tired at the end of the day, and in an effort to always try and bring you something witty, funny, possibly a little informative and entertaining, I feel that I need more brainpower than I have right this second. I'll save those other posts for a later date.

Really, the big thing that happened today was that we reached our halfway point with the Lentil! Obviously we still have a long way to go, but it's kind of exciting that we'll officially be in the second half of pregnancy after today!

For those of you wondering, yes we are going to find out the gender. Last time we went to the doctor the baby was turned in toward me so that all we could see was the spine in the ultrasound. I have nothing to compare it to in the US, but here in Switzerland we have an ultrasound every time we see the doctor, so we will try again when we see her right before we come back to the US for Thanksgiving.

One of Brian's sisters thinks its a boy, my sisters think its a girl, other friends have various thoughts on the gender. People often ask if I have a "gut feeling" about what it is. I don't have a clue. I just want the kid to move a little so I can feel something. I'm sure it will happen soon enough!

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