Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The family CFO

There's a new CFO in town, and it's probably not who you expect…me! The position has actually been vacant for a while, with things being monitored, bills paid, and whatnot, but nothing else too serious happening.

If you don't know BK personally, but know that he's a CPA, you might have been thinking that he is the "typical" accountant: tight with money, monitoring every cent, balancing the checkbook down to the penny…not so much. In fact, not at all. Who even balances a checkbook anymore, anyway?

I got the job because, per BK, he looks at numbers all day and does not want to come home and look at more. Understandable. Of course, there's also the fact that I don't want him to spend his time in front of another computer when he is at home, when I could easily be doing this as one of my "jobs." And now that I think about it, I'm not even sure he knows how to log on and look at our Swiss bank account (it's more complicated than you think- I had to go to the bank for instructions).

Little did I know that my project would be quite the drawn out process. After I finished up in September, which also included numerous previous months, and showed it to BK, he liked what he saw and appreciated my effort. Following his first viewing, he carefully said, "I have some suggestions, if you'll take them and not bite my head off for them." Initially I was really thinking, "Why would I bite your head off, I can take feedback." Right.

Little did I know that we would have about four rounds of revisions before reaching "our" final format. During the revision process BK would give me ideas about how I could change our spreadsheet to be more useful. It was too detailed at first, then I simplified too much. The above picture is the final feedback I got for our summary sheet.

It's actually a really useful tool. I haven't quite finished October yet, but I seem to keep finding other things to do, such as plan our trip to Rome and do Christmas shopping. It will get done before the end of this week. I'm just a little behind on my month end.

Just for the record, there's another part to my title as well: Chief Purchasing Officer. That's the part that I really excel at, although BK does provide some serious competition!

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