Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The afternoon in Vevey

Baby K and I have had a productive couple of days, getting things done around the house, as well as out and about. Today we spent the afternoon in Vevey; it's just a six minute train ride from Montreux. We went to get lunch and do some shopping, but as it was a picture perfect day here, we also strolled along the lake for a few minutes and wandered through the shops by the lake.

Just wanted to share some pictures from today:
The fork in the lake outside of the Alimentarium
Walking along the lake
Some of the shopping
A pedestrian only street
Part of Vevey's Visual Arts Festival
Make-shift beach; when the sun is out the Swiss are out
After we finished our shopping, Baby K and I hopped the train back to Montreux. I didn't do a ton of shopping, but I keep meaning to post a picture of the hill that we have to haul everything up to get back to our house. This picture so doesn't do it justice. It's a great workout for me, especially considering that I'm usually either pushing Baby K up in the stroller or wearing her! I asked BK if it was a 45 degree angle. He said not quite, but probably close.
Train station is just down to the left
One last pic, of Baby K of course. One thing I got today was a new attachment for her highchair. She's now found her place at the table with BK and me!
Excited about her new spot

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