Monday, June 17, 2013

An Idea Inspired by "The Happiness Project"

No I'm not doing my own Happiness Project, but I am reading the book and it has inspired me to set a new goal for myself. When I started this blog I initially wanted it to chronicle our travels before moving abroad with the ultimate goal of blogging about our lives while living in Switzerland. I've decided that blogging four times a month isn't really accomplishing that goal. I am posting about our travels, and of course the dogs, but not much other than that.

So here's my goal: TO BLOG ON A DAILY BASIS.

Yes, you read right, I want to start posting on a daily basis. They may not all be long, and they may not all be earth-shattering, but they'll be about something happening in our daily lives.

In the spirit of this new goal, here are a couple of things that happened today:

  • It's really hot here. I know I was just complaining about the cold, but now it's 95 degrees outside. My fellow Texans should also know no one has air conditioning over here. You just learn to manage your sun shades well and keep the apartment closed off from the hot air.
  • I started intensive German lessons at a school with a group of three other women. I go three hours a day, five days a week...there's homework and everything. I'm extremely excited about learning the language and feeling like we can move forward with our lives.
  • I took my house cleaner for granted in the US. I cleaned our apartment today, and it doesn't take long, but it's also not my favorite thing to do. I am not someone who "likes" to clean, but I like to clean more than I like a messy house. Chaotic house = chaotic life.
  • Speaking of cleaning...while I was cleaning today I was also doing laundry. Seems that I forgot to put the washer drain in the bathtub and when it came time to drain the washer, it drained all over the bathroom. Oops.  I knew this would happen at some point. I cleaned it up and moved on.
  • The pups seem to be perpetually pooped. Exercising them three hours a day seems to be doing just the trick! As I mentioned today was really hot; Tobs took a quick dip and Tanner was involuntarily plunged in to cool him off.
That's about it for now. See you tomorrow :)

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