Sunday, June 30, 2013

A quiet weekend at home

As much as I love traveling, weekends at home in Switzerland are pretty good too. I know, you're probably thinking "Of course weekends are good when you live in Switzerland." It's true, but sometimes it's really nice to have a normal weekend, where you do boring married people stuff and enjoy the weekend days as they roll by.

Switzerland in general is really into wellness and health, so Friday night Basel had a company run for all of the major employers in the area. Being the team player he is, BK ran four miles with his team. I cheered him on, then we enjoyed visiting with his team and hanging out for the evening.

Saturday we slept in...sort of. It was forecasted at a 90 percent chance of rain all day, with the exception of from 6am to 7am. So being the dedicated pet parents we are, BK and I got up at 6am to walk the dogs hoping that we would avoid the rain. All that to say, it rained the entire time we walked in the morning, then didn't really rain any more all day. On the bright side we were able to go back to sleep and have a slow start to our day. We had lunch together, ran errands, did a couple more dog walks and really enjoyed our day.

We went to dinner at a really unique place in Basel with some new friends who also recently moved over here. Acqua is an old water mill (or something like that) that has been turned into a restaurant/lounge. The food was really good and the ambiance and atmosphere was great. We really enjoyed the company as well. It was fun to hang out with fellow Americans who have also just's nice to compare notes and share our experiences. Somehow BK and I ended up staying up until around 2am, which is quite abnormal for us, but we were able to talk and FaceTime with family, so that was fun and nice to catch up.

Acqua dining room
Sunday was somehow very typical of a Sunday in the US. We went to brunch with our neighbors, then enjoyed the our afternoon lounging around catching up on shows that we like. It seems like we should be outside doing something active, but sometimes it's nice just chill out.

Ahhhh...nice and relaxed. Time for a new week :)

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