Saturday, June 22, 2013

The shoes are in the bag

Today is the first day that I'm really not sure what I want to blog about, so I'm just going to go with the most recent happenings. We've had a bit of a frustrating start to our trip to Amsterdam. It took me much longer to take the dogs to the kennel than anticipated (thanks to traffic on the bus, not to me being late), I needed to stop and get Euros, we needed o finish packing and I was met at home by a frantic BK who was certain we were going to miss our flight. Not how I like to start any trip.

BK was funny because he wanted instruction on what to do with all of the items to be packed that I had laid out on the bed. From the tram (almost home), I told him the one thing to do was to put the shoes on the bottom so that our suitcase didn't fall over every time we stepped away from it. When I arrived back at the apartment he had put his shoes at the bottom of the suitcase...AND THAT'S IT. Having already organized everything, I packed the suitcase, got an additional bag we needed and we were on our way. On that note, let me just say that it irritates me when I can't fit all of our stuff for a long weekend trip into ONE carryon. I'm not sure why, but it just does. I blame the tennis shoes needed for our bike tour tomorrow.

Of course, all turned out fine, and we made the flight, but not without a couple of additional frustrations on the way. Airport security gets me every time. Even if you are not a frequent flier, surely you watch the news and know that your computer has to come out of your bag, your shoes have to come off and your liquids need to come out of your bag. It gets me when I'm stuck behind someone whose bag is about to go into the x-ray machine and they haven't taken their liquids out. At the time I'm thinking "you can't be serious with this!!" I just don't understand. Those rules are for everyone- even you, the clueless one.

Then I made the mistake of forgetting about the fact that BK would be bringing his work backpack along with us. We're flying EasyJet. They're cheap because they get you with the little fees. So upon boarding our flight, we were informed that BK would either need to fit his backpack into our carryon suitcase or pay 50 Euros to check. No fitting the backpack, so we had to pay the 50 Euros. My bad on that one. I've now been informed that I should pay more for an airline with better service. Lesson learned for this budding travel agent.

So that brings us to now- in the air on the way to Amsterdam. We arrive a little before 9pm and are then heading straight to a tour of the Red Light District that starts at 10. Hopefully the rest of this trip goes a little smoother...scratch that- BK's Pepsi just overflowed on his tray. Maybe we'll start looking up when we land. Just heard that we'll have an early arrival. One step forward.

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