Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to Tobs!

Yes, today I'm going to be that person who blogs about the fact that it's her dog's birthday. From what I hear this type of thing will come to an end after Baby K arrives, so I figured, why not?

Today Toby turns six years old. He is the calm one of the two, with the exception of when he thinks another person or dog is out to get his people or Tanner. He is not a fan of children right now, but he is extremely loyal, so I have no doubt that he will warm up to Baby K and watch out for her with the utmost diligence.

To celebrate his birthday, here are a few pics that I thought showed his personality.

Right after he arrived
Enjoying some snow in Texas
Loves the water
Snuggle buddies
Waiting to pick BK up from work
All Toby wants in life is to be with his people. He doesn't care where we're going or what we're doing, as long as he gets to come with BK and I, he's good. Here's to many more years with our fluffy dog :)

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